A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Translation of some chloroplast genes is checked to allow for splicing and editing. Biophysics, 2006, Vol. 51, Suppl. 1, P. S18–S22, DOI: 10.1134/S0006350906070049, Scopus: 2-s2.0-44849110969, eLIBRARY: 13529379,
L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.V. V'yugin. Signal concentration in multiple sequence alignment: empirical and simulation studies. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Meeting SMBE'2006: Genomes, Evolution and Bioinformatics (GEB2006) conference, Tempe, Arizona, USA, May 24–28 2006, poster presentation, i
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. RNA structures upstream leuA genes in α-proteobacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’07, Moscow, Russia, July 27–31 2007, P. 191–192,
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О.А. Зверков. Программный комплекс для согласования набора эволюционных деревьев и выявления эволюционных событий. Труды 51-й научной конференции МФТИ «Современные проблемы фундаментальных и прикладных наук», Москва, 28–30 ноября 2008, М.: МФТИ, 2008, часть 1, стр. 133–136,
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К.В. Лопатовская, О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Транскрипция генов синтеза пролина у бактерий родов Marinobacter, Pseudomonas и Shewanella регулируется белком семейства tetR. Труды 32-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’09), пос. д/о Бекасово, 15–18 декабря 2009, стр. 278–281, i,
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, Л.И. Рубанов, В.А. Любецкий. Моделирование конкуренции РНК-полимераз: влияние нокаута сигма субъединицы и температуры на экспрессию генов. Труды 32-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’09), пос. д/о Бекасово, 15–18 декабря 2009, стр. 328–331, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Interaction between nucleome and plastome: heat shock response regulation in plastids of plants. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB'2010), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 20–27 2010, P. 161,
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Позиционная связь генов пластомов растений и водорослей. Труды 33-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’10), г. Геленджик, 20–24 сентября 2010, стр. 326–330, i,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. On an algorithm of protein clustering. Proceedings of the 53th conference of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology “Modern problems of fundamental and applied sciences”, Moscow, Russia, November 24–29 2010, Part I, Vol. 1, P. 118–119, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Modeling RNA polymerase competition: the effect of σ-subunit knockout and heat shock on gene transcription level. Biology Direct, Jan 21 2011, Vol. 6, Art. 3.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/1745-6150-6-3, WOS: 000287311800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-78651579146, PMID: 21255416, eLIBRARY: 16645698, EDN: OAGSDN,
O.A. Zverkov, K.Y. Gorbunov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Protein clustering with accounting for domen architecture. Proceedings of the 54th conference of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology “Basic and applied research in life sciences and engineering in modern information environment”, Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2011, Section of Management and applied mathematics, Vol. 2, P. 88–89, in Russian
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Plastid-encoded protein families specific for narrow taxonomic groups of algae and protozoa. Molecular Biology, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 5, P. 717–726.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0026893312050123, WOS: 000309711200013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84867292580, eLIBRARY: 20491233, EDN: RGKQTL,
K.V. Lopatovskaya, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Translation regolation of chlL gene in Viridiplantae. Information Processes, 2012, Vol. 12, Iss. 3, P. 172–175, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17931130, EDN: PCKBKL
O.A. Zverkov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Direct repeat insertions in microevolution of plastids and mitochondria of seed plants. Information Processes, 2012, Vol. 12, Iss. 3, P. 191–197, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17931132, EDN: PCKBLF
O.A. Zverkov, S.A. Korolev, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Transcription regulation of plastid genes cysT and cysA in Viridiplantae. In: Molecular Phylogenetics, (Eds.: A. Troitsky, L. Rusin, V. Aleoshin), Moscow: Torus Press, 2012, P. 85.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 25261273, EDN: VGUPMF,
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Семейства белков, кодируемых в пластомах Chlorophyta, Euglenozoa и Rhizaria. Труды 35-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’12), г. Петрозаводск, 19–25 августа 2012, стр. 298–302, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Transcription regulation of plastid genes involved in sulfate transport in Viridiplantae. BioMed Research International, 2013, Vol. 2013, Art. 413450.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2013/413450, WOS: 000324210600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884259506, PMID: 24073405, eLIBRARY: 20455937, EDN: RFQOQB, ISTINA: 87057517, i,
O.A. Zverkov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Study of direct repeats in micro evolution of plant mitochondria and plastids based on protein clustering. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2013, Vol. 68, No. 2, P. 58–62.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3103/S0096392513020119, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84879161517, eLIBRARY: 20440011, EDN: RFHNAR, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Elaboration of the homologous plastid-encoded protein families that separate paralogs in magnoliophytes. Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, 2013, Vol. 8, No. 1, P. 225–233, in Russian.
ⓘ Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884259236, eLIBRARY: 21104827, EDN: RTVTPD, Mi: mbb141, i
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Averaged entropy as conservativity measure of genome regions. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2013, Vol. 18, Iss. 5, Part 2, P. 2529–2531, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 20200836, EDN: RABKYH
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Protein families in plastomes of plants and green algae. Proceedings of the VII Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, Russia, March 19-22, 2013, Moscow: JSC “Expo-biochem-technologies”, D.I. Mendeleyev University of Chemistry and Technology of Russia, 2013, P. 243,
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Построение разделяющих паралоги семейств гомологичных белков, кодируемых в пластидах цветковых растений. Труды 37-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’13), Калининград, 1–6 сентября 2013, стр. 172–177,
N.V. Kobets, D.B. Goncharov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Comparative analysis of apicoplast-targeted proteins in Toxoplasma gondii and other Apicomplexa species. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’13, Moscow, Russia, July 25–28 2013, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Korolev, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Rho-dependent attenuation of sulfur metabolism in mycobacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’13, Moscow, Russia, July 25–28 2013, i,
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О.А. Зверков. Использование быстрых алгоритмов в задаче кластеризации последовательностей. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2013, № 9, стр. 757–763.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 23020601, EDN: RLJZHO,
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Korolev, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov. Gene expression regulation of the PF00480 or PF14340 domain proteins suggests their involvement in sulfur metabolism. Computational Biology and Chemistry, Apr 2014, Vol. 49, P. 7–13.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2014.01.001, WOS: 000335289200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84893856987, PMID: 24513779, eLIBRARY: 21864797, EDN: SKMDTH. $ MESRF 8481 & 14.740.11.1053, RFBR 13-04-40196-Н. i,
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О.А. Зверков, Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов. Поиск ультраконсервативных элементов у простейших типа Apicomplexa. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2014, № 10, стр. 865–870.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 23020710, EDN: TJTVBF,
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О.А. Зверков. Функции и эволюция РНК-полимераз в митохондриях и пластидах. Автореферат диссертации на соискание учёной степени кандидата физико-математических наук (03.01.09 – Математическая биология, биоинформатика), Москва, 2014, 26 стр., eLIBRARY: 30404972, EDN: ZPJDRZ,
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О.А. Зверков. Функции и эволюция РНК-полимераз в митохондриях и пластидах. Диссертация на соискание учёной степени кандидата физико-математических наук (03.01.09 – Математическая биология, биоинформатика), Москва, 2014, 112 стр.,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A database of rhodophyte plastid protein families and regulation of moeB genes. Abstracts of the Ninth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB'2014), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 23–28 2014, P. 176. $ RFBR 13-04-40196-Н.
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A database of plastid protein families from red algae and Apicomplexa and expression regulation of the moeB gene. BioMed Research International, 2015, Vol. 2015, Art. 510598.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2015/510598, WOS: 000356268600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84934923822, PMID: 26114108, eLIBRARY: 23984599, EDN: UEWFTT, ISTINA: 87047744, IITP: 7047. $ RFBR 13-04-40196-Н. i,
A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, S.N. Istomina, S.A. Pirogov, P.S. Kitsis. Comparative analysis of apicoplast-targeted protein extension lengths in apicomplexan parasites. BioMed Research International, 2015, Vol. 2015, Art. 452958.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2015/452958, WOS: 000356263000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84935006924, PMID: 26114107, eLIBRARY: 23985518, EDN: UEWTJF, IITP: 7048. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
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С.А. Королев, А.В. Селиверстов, О.А. Зверков, В.А. Любецкий. Классическая аттенюаторная регуляция, зависимая от концентрации триптофана, у актинобактерий. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 565–568.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167546, EDN: WAQFWT, ИСТИНА: 87049143, ИППИ: 7160. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. О транскрипционных факторах, кодируемых в пластидах родофитной ветви. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 571–575.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167548, EDN: WAQFXN, ИСТИНА: 87049149, ИППИ: 7162. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
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Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, О.А. Зверков, В.А. Любецкий. Ультраконсервативные элементы у простейших из надтипа Alveolata. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 581–585.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167551, EDN: WAQFYR, ИСТИНА: 87049154, ИППИ: 7163. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, O.A. Zverkov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, A.G. Zaraisky. A method of detecting local gene synteny rearrangement. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’15, Moscow, Russia, July 16–19 2015, Moscow, IITP RAS, 2015, P. 249–252.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 23913986, EDN: UDIBEX, IITP: 8179. $ RFBR 13-04-40196-Н. i,
S.A. Korolev, S.A. Lyzhin, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A search for genes encoding histidine-containing leader peptides in actinobacteria. Proceedings of the 39th IITP RAS Interdisciplinary Conference & School “Information Technology and Systems 2015” (ITaS’15), Sochi, Russia, Sep 7–11 2015, Moscow: IITP, 2015, P. 53–60.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 24378300, EDN: UNMFTF, IITP: 8180. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Bairamov, I.V. Shandarin, A.S. Ivanova, L.Yu. Rusin, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, A.G. Zaraisky. A large-scale search for gene losses, gains and syntenic rearrangements in vertebrate animals. Materials of the VIII Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, Russia, March 17–20 2015, Part 1, P. 260–261.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 25631493, EDN: VOXGCN, IITP: 8182. $ RFBR 13-04-40196-Н.
L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A method for identification of highly conserved elements and evolutionary analysis of superphylum Alveolata. BMC Bioinformatics, Sep 20 2016, Vol. 17, Art. 385, 16 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-1257-5, WOS: 000383404500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84988489465, PMID: 27645252, PMC5028923, eLIBRARY: 27576567, EDN: XFLXJX, ISTINA: 39309733, IITP: 7416. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Regulation of expression and evolution of genes in plastids of rhodophytic branch. Life, Jan 29 2016, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, Art. 7, 13 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/life6010007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84957874701, PMID: 26840333, PMC4810238, eLIBRARY: 27032554, EDN: WTOJWD, ISTINA: 39312273, IITP: 7204. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
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С.А. Королев, К.Ю. Горбунов, О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Вырожденные инвертированные повторы в геномах микобактерий. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2016, том 12, № 1, стр. 182–187.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 27539233, EDN: XEQRCR, ИСТИНА: 39325396, ИППИ: 7369. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
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Л.И. Рубанов, О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Высоко консервативные элементы в митохондриях однодольных растений. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2016, том 12, № 2, стр. 211–215.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 28151042, EDN: XSATNV, ИСТИНА: 39325476, ИППИ: 7370,
S.A. Korolev, K.Yu. Gorbunov, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Degenerate inverted repeats in the genomes of mycobacterium. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Selected Papers of the First International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2016), Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2016, Vol. 1763, P. 182–187, in Russian.
ⓘ Scopus: 2-s2.0-85009399359, eLIBRARY: 29477080, EDN: YVBFML, ISTINA: 87047396, IITP: 7461. $ РНФ 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Korolev, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov. Ribosome reinitiation at leader peptides increases translation of bacterial proteins. International Conference SocBiN Bioinformatics 2016, Abstracts of the 15th annual SocBiN conference, Moscow, Russia, June 14–16 2016, P. 26–28.
ⓘ IITP: 7238, i,
O.A. Zverkov, L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Problem of phylogenetic position of dicyemids. Abstracts of the International Symposium "Cognitive Sciences, Genomics and Bioinformatics" (CSGB-2016), Novosibirsk, Russia, August 29–31 2016, P. 68.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 39388956, EDN: ICLQTL, IITP: 8168,
R.A. Gershgorin, K.Yu. Gorbunov, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Highly conserved elements and chromosome structure evolution in mitochondrial genomes in ciliates. Life, Feb 27 2017, Vol. 7, Iss. 1, Art. 9, 11 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/life7010009, WOS: 000398680000008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85016311163, PMID: 28264444, PMC5370409, eLIBRARY: 29483092, EDN: YVEQKT, ISTINA: 87046898, IITP: 7454. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, D.D. Korotkova, A.S. Ivanova, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, A.G. Zaraisky. Novel transmembrane protein c-Answer revealed by bioinformatic screening of genes present only in well regenerating animals. FEBS Journal, Sep 8 2017, Vol. 284, Iss. S1, P. 155.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1111/febs.14174, WOS: 000409918902164, ISTINA: 87047101, IITP: 7560. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i, ,
O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Finding long highly conserved elements in complete animal genomes. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 2064, Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies 2017, P. 402–408, in Russian, Selected Papers of the II International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2017), Moscow, Russia, November 24–26.
ⓘ Scopus: 2-s2.0-85044513196, eLIBRARY: 35530722, EDN: UYGVRP, ISTINA: 110759752, IITP: 7670. $ РНФ 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, K.Yu. Gorbunov, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov. Highly conserved elements in mitochondrial genomes of ciliates and monocots. Materials of the IX International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, Russia, February 20–22 2017, Part 1, P. 393.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 29220438, EDN: YPLEZZ, IITP: 8163,
V.A. Lyubetsky, R.A. Gershgorin, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Evolution and systematics of plastids of rhodophytic branch. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’17, Moscow, Russia, July 27–30 2017, P. 48.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 32563226, EDN: YRIKBX, IITP: 8164. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
O.A. Zverkov, K.V. Mikhailov, L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Phylogenomic evidence disentangles affinities of the Mesozoa. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology (ICIM4), Moscow, Russia, August 18–23 2017, P. 55.
ⓘ IITP: 8165. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
A.V. Seliverstov, L.I. Rubanov, G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Longevity in euarchontoglires: lost genes as a determinant. FEBS Open Bio, Jul 5 2018, Vol. 8, Suppl. 1, P. 456–457.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1002/2211-5463.12453, WOS: 000437674105151, ISTINA: 129706313, IITP: 7709. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
A.V. Seliverstov, G.A. Shilovsky, L.I. Rubanov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Longevity in mammals: lost genes as a determinant. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB-2018), The Eleventh International Conference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 20–25 August 2018, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2018, P. 249.
ⓘ DOI: 10.18699/BGRSSB-2018-221, eLIBRARY: 38017206, EDN: KAXHPN, IITP: 7712,
V.V. Aleoshin, G.S. Slyusarev, K.V. Mikhailov, L.Yu. Rusin, O.V. Popova, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Orthonectida and Dicyemida: Two stories of body plan simplification. Molecular Phylogenetics, Contributions to the 5th Moscow International Conference “Molecular Phylogenetics and Biodiversity Biobanking”, Moscow, Russia, August 25–28, 2018, Eds.: A. Troitsky, L. Rusin, Moscow: Torus Press, 2018, P. 3–4.
ⓘ DOI: 10.30826/MolPhy2018-01, eLIBRARY: 36627878, EDN: YRFUAH, IITP: 7755,
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В.В. Алёшин, Г.С. Слюсарев, К.В. Михайлов, Л.Ю. Русин, О.В. Попова, Л.Л. Мороз, О.А. Зверков, В.А. Любецкий. Филогения Mesozoa. Зоология беспозвоночных – новый век, Материалы конференции, посвященной 160-летию Кафедры зоологии беспозвоночных Биологического факультета МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, Москва, 19–21 декабря 2018, стр. 15.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 36828957, EDN: YUTHQT, ИППИ: 8133,
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С.В. Исаев, О.А. Зверков, К.В. Михайлов, В.В. Алёшин, Ю.В. Панчин. Кольцевые последовательности ДНК в геноме Dicyema sp.. ИТИС 2018, Сборник трудов 42-й междисциплинарной школы-конференции ИППИ РАН «Информационные технологии и системы 2018», Казань, 25–30 сентября 2018, М.: ИППИ РАН, 2018, стр. 584–587.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 37930756, EDN: NUFGZF, ИППИ: 8141, i,
D.D. Korotkova, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.S. Ivanova, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, N.Yu. Martynova, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, L. Peshkin, A.G. Zaraisky. Bioinformatic screening of genes present only in well regenerating vertebrates reveals novel FGF and purinergic signaling modulator - c-Answer. bioRxiv, Dec 13 2018.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1101/494609, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85095629894, IITP: 8136,
D.D. Korotkova, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.S. Ivanova, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, N.Yu. Martynova, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, L. Peshkin, A.G. Zaraisky. Bioinformatic screening of genes present only in well regenerating vertebrates reveals novel FGF and purinergic signaling modulator - c-Answer. SSRN, Aug 17 2018.
ⓘ DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3232160, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85115411110, i
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
В.В. Алёшин, Г.С. Слюсарев, К.В. Михайлов, Л.Ю. Русин, О.В. Попова, Л.Л. Мороз, О.А. Зверков, В.А. Любецкий. Филогения Mesozoa. Научная конференция «Зоология беспозвоночных – новый век», Москва, МГУ, 21 декабря 2018, пленарный доклад, i,
D.D. Korotkova, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.S. Ivanova, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, N.Yu. Martynova, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, L. Peshkin, A.G. Zaraisky. Bioinformatics screening of genes specific for well-regenerating vertebrates reveals c-answer, a regulator of brain development and regeneration. Cell Reports, Oct 22 2019, Vol. 29, Iss. 4, P. 1027–1040.e6.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.09.038, WOS: 000491881400019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85073541839, PMID: 31644900, PMC6871517, eLIBRARY: 41683557, EDN: AYVACB, ISTINA: 245358868, IITP: 8007. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.V. Ashapkin, T.S. Putyatina, L.I. Rubanov, V.A. Lyubetsky. New C-terminal conserved regions of tafazzin, a catalyst of cardiolipin remodeling. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Oct 24 2019, Vol. 2019, Art. 2901057, 13 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2019/2901057, WOS: 000501281500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85074777423, PMID: 31781330, PMC6855050, eLIBRARY: 41699870, EDN: MOFLMU, ISTINA: 233651864, IITP: 8008. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
O.A. Zverkov, K.V. Mikhailov, S.V. Isaev, L.Y. Rusin, O.V. Popova, M.D. Logacheva, A.A. Penin, L.L. Moroz, Y.V. Panchin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Dicyemida and Orthonectida: Two stories of body plan simplification. Frontiers in Genetics, May 24 2019, Vol. 10, Art. 443.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00443, WOS: 000468953800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85067846320, PMID: 31178892, PMC6543705, eLIBRARY: 41677483, EDN: XBQXYX, ISTINA: 197815106, IITP: 7871. $ RSF 14-50-00150, RFBR 18-29-13037.
L.I. Rubanov, G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Mouse genes lost in rodent and primate species with long lifespan. The proceedings of International congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, February 25–27 2019, Iss. 17, P. 342.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 37590373, EDN: WULUVO, IITP: 8153. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Protein clustering and gene loss prediction. Computer Assisted Mathematics Conference (CAM-2019), Electrotechnical University "LETI" Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 22–24 2019, P. 7.
ⓘ IITP: 7934,
O.A. Zverkov, K.V. Mikhailov, S.V. Isaev, L.Y. Rusin, M.D. Logacheva, A.A. Penin, L.L. Moroz, Y.V. Panchin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Dicyemida and Orthonectida: Two stories of body plan simplification. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’19, Moscow, Russia, July 27–30 2019.
ⓘ IITP: 8155, i, ,
V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Optimal growth temperature and intergenic distances in bacteria, archaea, and plastids of rhodophytic branch. BioMed Research International, Jan 18 2020, Vol. 2020, Art. 3465380.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2020/3465380, WOS: 000509880900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85078659114, PMID: 32025518, PMC6991167, eLIBRARY: 43254561, EDN: WUIDMR, ISTINA: 264030057, IITP: 8094. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
O.A. Zverkov, K.V. Mikhailov, S.V. Isaev, L.Y. Rusin, O.V. Popova, M.D. Logacheva, A.A. Penin, L.L. Moroz, Y.V. Panchin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Dicyemida and Orthonectida: two stories of body plan simplification. In: Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Systems Biology, Eds.: Y.L. Orlov, A. Baranova, Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA., 2020, P. 214–234.
ⓘ ISBN 978-2-88966-014-8, First published in: Frontiers in Genetics May 2019; 10:443. $ RSF 14-50-00150, RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.A. Lyubetsky, G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, L.I. Rubanov. New bioinformatics methods for identification of lost genes and protein isoforms. Homo sapiens liberatus, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in celebration of the 85th birthday of professor V.P. Skulachev, Moscow, Russia, February 20–21 2020, Abstract Book, Moscow: Torus Press, 2020, P. 41–42.
ⓘ DOI: 10.30826/HomoSapiens-2020-30, eLIBRARY: 42660982, EDN: LTRLAG, IITP: 8140. $ RFBR 18-29-13037. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov. Evolution of proteins involved in response to ROS. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2020), The Twelfth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 6–10 July 2020, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2020, P. 652–653.
ⓘ DOI: 10.18699/BGRS/SB-2020-398, eLIBRARY: 44042513, EDN: KXGPZJ, IITP: 8139, i. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
L.I. Rubanov, G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Gene loss prediction based on genomic structure. The proceedings of International forum «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, October 28–30 2020, Iss. 18, P. 259–260.
ⓘ DOI: 10.37747/2312-640X-2020-18-258-260, eLIBRARY: 44374969, EDN: ZKTWOD, IITP: 8177. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Complex evolution of Fbxl21 gene in mammals. Proceedings of 10th Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology MCCMB'21, Moscow, Russia, July 30 — August 2 2021.
ⓘ IITP: 8318. $ RFBR 18-29-13037. i,
G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Evolution of protein regulators of circadian rhythm in mammals. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2022), The Thirteenth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 4–8 July 2022, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2022, P. 173.
ⓘ DOI: 10.18699/SBB-2022-093, eLIBRARY: 49238208, EDN: VWUIDL, IITP: 8485, i,
G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Demographic indicators, models, and testing. Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science, 2023, Vol. 31, No. 4, P. 359–374.
ⓘ DOI: 10.22363/2658-4670-2023-31-4-359-374, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85183402476, eLIBRARY: 59886097, EDN: FZWSUR, ISTINA: 633314773, IITP: 8628,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
О.А. Зверков, Г.А. Шиловский, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Связь видовой продолжительности жизни с эволюцией гена Fbxl21. Proceedings of 11th Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology MCCMB'23, Москва, 3–6 августа 2023, М.: ИППИ РАН, 2023.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 59299211, EDN: DKHTDA, ИППИ: 8530, ISBN: 978-5-901158-33-3, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, G.A. Shilovsky, J.-R. Yang, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. The change rate of the Fbxl21 gene and the amino acid composition of its protein correlate with the species-specific lifespan in placental mammals. Biology, Oct 2 2024, Vol. 13, No. 10, Art. 792.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/biology13100792, WOS: 001342603100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85207685388, eLIBRARY: 74576383, EDN: OZJEJO, PMID: 39452101, PMC11505486, ISTINA: 695697541, IITP: 8707. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
N.N. Wijayawardene, K.D. Hyde, K.V. Mikhailov, G. Péter, A. Aptroot, C.L.A. Pires-Zottarelli, B.T. Goto, Y.S. Tokarev, D. Haelewaters, S.C. Karunarathna, P.M. Kirk, A.L.C.M.A. de Santiago, R.K. Saxena, N. Schoutteten, M.K. Wimalasena, V.V. Aleoshin, …, O.A. Zverkov, M. Thines, S.A. Karpov. Classes and phyla of the kingdom Fungi. Fungal Diversity, Sep 2024, Vol. 128, P. 1–165.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1007/s13225-024-00540-z, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85207293710, eLIBRARY: 74915051, EDN: ZQYAND, ISTINA: 713033264, IITP: 8715. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, G.A. Shilovsky. Alignment of a hidden palindrome. Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, 2024, Vol. 19, No. 2, P. 427–438, in Russian.
ⓘ DOI: 10.17537/2024.19.427, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85214397046. $ RSF 24-44-00099. i
A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. On systems of several equations modulo three. XIV Belarusian Mathematical Conference dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics, Minsk, October 28 – November 1 2024, Part 3, P. 152–154, (in Russian), IITP: 8720
A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. A polynomial-time algorithm for recognizing the existence of a (0, 1)-solutions to a system of several linear equations modulo three. Seminar on Computer Algebra, CMC faculty of MSU & CCAS, Moscow (online), October 16 2024, oral presentation, i,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov. On binary solutions to a system of linear equations modulo three. Programming and Computer Software, 2025, Vol. 51, No. 2, P. 109–116, accepted 19.09.2024.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0361768824700919. $ RSF 24-44-00099.