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Publications of Vassily Lyubetsky
V.A. Lyubetsky. Some consequences of the hypothesis on the uncountability of the set of constructible real numbers. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1968, Vol. 182, No. 4, P. 758–759, in Russian, WOS: A1968B916300006, Mi: dan34159
A.G. Dragalin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Construction of an effectively inaccessible cardinal in a natural prolongation of the Zermelo–Fraenkel system. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1969, Vol. 187, No. 6, P. 1225–1228, in Russian, Mi: dan34839
V.A. Lyubetsky. From the existence of a nonmeasurable set of type A2 there follows the existence of an uncountable set that contains no perfect subset of type CA. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1970, Vol. 195, No. 3, P. 548–550, in Russian, WOS: A1970H939300009, Mi: dan35803
A.G. Dragalin, V.A. Lyubetskii, V.I. Fukson. Definable sequences of countable ordinals. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1971, Vol. 196, No. 6, P. 1263–1265, in Russian, Mi: dan35985
V.A. Lyubetsky. Independence of certain propositions of descriptive set theory from the Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 1 Matematika Mekhanika, 1971, No. 2, P. 78–82
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В.А. Любецкий. Дискретная математика. М.: МО, 1976, 175 стр., Допущено в качестве учебного пособия, ISBN: G-917017-89
V.A. Lyubetsky. Random sequences of numbers and A2 ssets. In: Studies in Set Theory and Nonclassical Logics, 1976, P. 96–122, in Russian
E.I. Gordon, V.A. Lyubetsky. Some applications of nonstandard analysis in the theory of Boolean-valued measures. Sov. Math., Dokl., 1981, Vol. 23, P. 142–146
V.A. Lyubetsky, E.I. Gordon. Boolean extensions of uniform structures. In: Studies in Nonclassical Logics and Formal Systems, 1983, P. 82–153, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, E.I. Gordon. Embedding of sheaves in a Heyting-valued universe. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1983, Vol. 268, No. 4, P. 794–798, in Russian, WOS: A1983QC80900005, Mi: dan45897
V.A. Lyubetsky. Some algebraic questions of nonstandard analysis. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1985, Vol. 280, No. 1, P. 38–41, in Russian, WOS: A1985AAN3700008, Mi: dan46844
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В.А. Любецкий. Некоторые применения теории топосов к изучению алгебраических систем. в книге П.T. Джонстон «Теория топосов», дополнение к книге, М.: Наука, 1986, стр. 376–433
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В.А. Любецкий. Основные понятия школьной математики. М.: Просвещение, 1987, 600 стр., Допущено Министерством образования в качестве учебного пособия, ISBN: 103-03-87, i
V.A. Lyubetskii. Valuations and sheaves. On some questions of non-standard analysis. Russian Mathematical Surveys, Jul-Aug 1989, Vol. 44, No. 4, P. 37–112, DOI: 10.1070/RM1989v044n04ABEH002140, WOS: A1989DG00100003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34547237649, eLIBRARY: 30933010,
V.A. Lyubetsky. Model-completeness of a theory and evaluation of formulas. Algebra and Logic, 1990, Vol. 29, No. 1, P. 10–22, DOI: 10.1007/BF01980216, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34249924467,
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В.А. Любецкий. Гейтинговозначный анализ: гипотеза П.С. Новикова. в книге Основания неклассических логик, М.: АН СССР, 1990, стр. 105–119
V.A. Lyubetsky. On some applications of Heyting-valued analysis II. In: COLOG-88, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 417, Springer, 1990, P. 122–145, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Logic, Tallinn, USSR, December 12–16 1988, DOI: 10.1007/3-540-52335-9_53, WOS: A1990DB06100011, eLIBRARY: 30909549,
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В.А. Любецкий. Оценки и пучки: теоремы переноса. Автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора физико-математических наук по специальности 01.01.06 - Математическая логика, алгебра и теория чисел, Москва, 1991, 34 стр., eLIBRARY: 30136185,
V.A. Lyubetsky. Intuitionistic theory of algebraic systems and heyting-valid analysis. Algebra and Logic, 1991, Vol. 30, No. 3, P. 208–216, DOI: 10.1007/BF01978854, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34249918213,
V.A. Lyubetsky. Transfer from deducibility in the classical set theory to deducibility in intuitionistic set theory for the language of rings. Algebra and Logic, 1991, Vol. 30, No. 6, P. 427–439, DOI: 10.1007/BF02018738, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34249925232, eLIBRARY: 30835301,
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В.А. Любецкий. Гейтинговозначный анализ: гипотеза П.С. Новикова. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1991, том 56, № 3, стр. 1131
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В.А. Любецкий. Локально аксиоматизируемые классы колец, II. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1992, том 57, № 1, стр. 377
V.A. Lyubetsky. Heyting-valued analysis: P. S. Novikov's hypotheses. Contemporary Mathematics, 1993, Vol. 131, Part 3, P. 565–583
V.A. Lyubetskii. On one approach to modelling intelligent systems. Problems of Information Transmission, 1993, Vol. 29, No. 3, P. 295–297
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В.А. Любецкий. Теоремы переноса и алгебра модальных операторов. Логические исследования, 1995, вып. 3, стр. 205–232
V.A. Lyubetskii. On some applications of the semantic evaluation method. Problems of Information Transmission, 1996, Vol. 32, No. 3, P. 290–302
V.A. Lyubetsky. Transfer theorems and the algebra of modal operators. Algebra and Logic, 1997, Vol. 36, No. 3, P. 169–181, DOI: 10.1007/BF02671615, eLIBRARY: 31410917,
V.A. Lyubetsky. Transference theorems and intuitionistic set theory. Doklady Mathematics, 1997, Vol. 56, No. 3, P. 851–854, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0040600478, eLIBRARY: 13268005
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В.А. Любецкий, С.Н. Любецкая. О некоторых задачах эффективизации и целенаправленного поведения. Логические исследования, 1997, вып. 4, стр. 180
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В.А. Любецкий. Логика устной речи в сравнении с логикой письменной речи. Труды второго философского конгресса, Екатеринбург, 1999, часть 1, стр. 222
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В.А. Любецкий. О преобразовании классических выводов в интуиционистские. Труды второй международной конференции «Смирновские чтения», Москва, 1999, стр. 38–41
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В.А. Любецкий. Об основах интеллектуальных процессов. Труды второго философского конгресса, Екатеринбург, 1999, часть 1, стр. 223–224
V.A. Lyubetsky. Logic models of informational interaction processes. Proceedings of the International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, May 15–17 1999, P. 133–145, in Russian
N.A. Kuznetsov, V.A. Lyubetskii. Computer logic in information processes. Problems of Information Transmission, 1999, Vol. 35, Iss. 2, P. 107–111, in Russian, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0033116294, Mi: ppi448
V.A. Lyubetsky, M.J.A. Larijani. Topics in classical and intuitionistic model theory. Gardariki, Moscow, Russia, 2000, 390 pages
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А.В. Зарелуа, В.А. Любецкий. Предисловие редакторов к 1-му тому. в книге А. Маллиос «Геометрия векторных пучков», Мир, 2000, 460 стр.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. On an algorithm of detecting regulatory signal in sequence data. Logic research, Moscow, Russia, Nauka, 2000, Iss. 7, P. 159–163, in Russian
N.A. Kusnetsov, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Chernavsky. On the concept of informational interaction, 1: pre-psychic bioinformatics. Proceedings of the II International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 20–23 2000, P. 8–20, in Russian
V.V. V'yugin, K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Algorithms of detecting regulatory signal and constructing evolutionary trees. Proceedings of the II International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 20–23 2000, P. 130–137, in Russian
N.K. Vereschagin, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm of inferring RNA secondary structure. Proceedings of scientific workshop of the Logic Center of RAS, Moscow, RAS, 2000, Iss. 14, P. 99–109, in Russian
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А.В. Зарелуа, В.А. Любецкий. Предисловие редакторов ко 2-му тому. в книге А. Маллиос «Геометрия векторных пучков», Мир, 2001, 442 стр.
L.V. Danilova, K.Yu. Gorbunov, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetskii. Algorithm of regulatory signal recognition in DNA sequences. Molecular Biology, Nov–Dec 2001, Vol. 35, No. 6, P. 841–848, DOI: 10.1023/A:1013282101105, WOS: 000173100100008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0035497842, eLIBRARY: 13370921,
L.V. Danilova, K.Yu. Gorbunov, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm to detect regulatory signals in DNA sequence data. Information processes, 2001, Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 56–63, in Russian
M.S. Gelfand, V.V. V'yugin, V.A. Lyubetsky. An approach to infer evolutionary species tree from multiple gene data. Information processes, 2001, Vol. 1, No. 1, P. 64–77, in Russian
V.V. V'yugin, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm to detect horizontal gene transfer events with multiple gene trees. Information processes, 2001, Vol. 1, No. 2, P. 167–177, in Russian
K.Yu. Gorbunov, E.V. Lyubetskaya, V.A. Lyubetsky. On two algorithms of searching for alternative RNA structures. Information processes, 2001, Vol. 1, No. 2, P. 178–187, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. A probabilistic algorithm of solving an NP-complete problem. Proceedings of III international conference “Smirnov readings” of RAS, Moscow, Russia, 2001, P. 47–49, in Russian
L.V. Danilova, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm to detect regulatory signal: testing and biological applications. Proceedings of the III International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, September 3–10 2001, P. 632–634, in Russian
N.A. Kusnetsov, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Chernavsky. On the concept of informational interaction, 2: pre-speech intellect. Proceedings of the III International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, September 3–10 2001, P. 25–42, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky. First projective sets, AE-prefix and quantifiers elimination. Abstracts of International conference on Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Set theory dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of P.S. Novikov, Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, Moscow, August 27–31 2001, P. 27
V.V. V'yugin, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Tree reconciliation: reconstruction of species phylogeny by phylogenetic gene trees. Molecular Biology, Sep–Oct 2002, Vol. 36, No. 5, P. 650–658, DOI: 10.1023/A:1020667228952, WOS: 000179132500008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0036407127, eLIBRARY: 13397129,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm to search for conservative RNA secondary structures in a database of RNA fragments. Information processes, 2002, Vol. 2, No. 1, P. 55–58, in Russian
L.A. Leont'yev, E.V. Lyubetskaya, V.A. Lyubetsky. Description and performance of a modified algorithm to search for alternative RNA secondary structures. Information processes, 2002, Vol. 2, No. 1, P. 100–105, in Russian
V.V. V'yugin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Some approaches to detect HGTs with phylogenetic data. Information processes, 2002, Vol. 2, No. 1, P. 120–140, in Russian
N.A. Kusnetsov, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Chernavsky. On the concept of informational interaction, 3: speech intellect. Proceedings of the IV International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 17–23 2002, P. 7–17, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov. Parallel algorithm for searching regulatory signal in bacterial genome. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14–20 2002, Vol. 1, P. 24–27, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. V'yugin. Method of horizontal gene transfer determination using phylogenetic data. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14–20 2002, Vol. 2, P. 61–63, i,
E.V. Lyubetsky, V.A. Lyubetsky. Algorithm for searching for alternative secondary RNA structures. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14–20 2002, Vol. 3, P. 14–16, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm for searching for common secondary structures in a set of RNA sequences. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2002), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 14–20 2002, Vol. 3, P. 20–22, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On some classical problems of descriptive set theory. Russian Mathematical Surveys, Sep–Oct 2003, Vol. 58, Iss. 5, P. 839–927, DOI: 10.1070/RM2003v058n05ABEH000666, WOS: 000189179400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-1542291397, eLIBRARY: 13417662,
P.V. Golubtsov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Stochastic dynamic games with various types of information. Problems of Information Transmission, Jul 2003, Vol. 39, No. 3, P. 266–293, DOI: 10.1023/A:1026114615609, WOS: 000208552600004, eLIBRARY: 14970787,
P.V. Golubtsov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Informational structure of dynamic games and the information content available to players. Logic research, 2003, Iss. 10, P. 39–49, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. V'yugin. Methods of horizontal gene transfer determination using phylogenetic data. In Silico Biology, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, P. 17–31, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041386181, PMID: 12762843, eLIBRARY: 13427218, i,
L.V. Danilova, V.A. Lyubetsky, M.S. Gelfand. An algorithm for identification of regulatory signals in unaligned DNA sequences, its testing and parallel implementation. In Silico Biology, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 1,2, P. 33–47, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0042388309, PMID: 12762844, eLIBRARY: 13444743, i,
V.V. V'yugin, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Identification of horizontal gene transfer from phylogenetic gene trees. Molecular Biology, Jul-Aug 2003, Vol. 37, No. 4, P. 571–584, DOI: 10.1023/A:1025191411933, WOS: 000185173500014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0041522567, eLIBRARY: 13438603,
E.V. Lyubetskaya, L.A. Leont'ev, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Search for alternative RNA secondary structures regulating expression of bacterial genes. Molecular Biology, Sep-Oct 2003, Vol. 37, No. 5, P. 707–715, DOI: 10.1023/A:1026084910427, WOS: 000186455600009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-1642538225, eLIBRARY: 13432772,
L.V. Danilova, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky, O.N. Laikova. Computer-assisted analysis of regulation of the glycerol-3-phosphate metabolism in genomes of proteobacteria. Molecular Biology, Sep-Oct 2003, Vol. 37, No. 5, P. 716–722, DOI: 10.1023/A:1026037027266, WOS: 000186455600010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-1642578773, eLIBRARY: 13442134,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, A.A. Mironov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Search for conserved secondary structures of RNA. Molecular Biology, Sep-Oct 2003, Vol. 37, No. 5, P. 723–732, DOI: 10.1023/A:1026089011336, WOS: 000186455600011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-1642578789, eLIBRARY: 13442137,
M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Bioinformation science: From experiment to computer analysis and back to experiment again. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2003, Vol. 73, No. 11, P. 963–970, Scopus: 2-s2.0-0347579374
M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetskii. Bioinformatics: From experiment to computer analysis and back to experiment again. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nov-Dec 2003, Vol. 73, Iss. 6, P. 626–632, WOS: 000188465500008
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm for detecting common secondary structures in a set of RNA sequences. Biophysics, 2003, Vol. 48, Suppl. 1, P. S56–S67, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750574791, eLIBRARY: 13432908
V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. V'yugin. Reconstruction of evolutionary events basing on comparison of gene and species trees. Biophysics, 2003, Vol. 48, Suppl. 1, P. S97–S104, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750535443, eLIBRARY: 13420343
N.A. Kusnetsov, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Chernavsky. On the concept of informational interaction, 1: pre-psychic level. Information processes, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 1, P. 1–22, in Russian
E.V. Lyubetskaya, L.A. Leont'yev, V.A. Lyubetsky. Searching for alternative RNA secondary structures in gamma-proteobacteria. Information processes, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 1, P. 23–38, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Some algorithms related to finite groups. Information processes, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 1, P. 39–46, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov. Searching for alternative RNA secondary structures. Information processes, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 1, P. 47–60, in Russian
N.A. Kusnetsov, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Chernavsky. On the concept of informational interaction, 2: pre-psychic level. Information processes, 2003, Vol. 3, No. 2, P. 154–172, in Russian
P.V. Golubtsov, V.A. Lyubetsky. The result of an information process depends on the nature and content of information available to its participants. International conference of RAS, Samara, Russia, 2003, P. 445–453, in Russian
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Classic problems of descriptive set theory. Proceedings of IV international Smirnov conference, RAS, Moscow, Russia, 2003, P. 32–34, in Russian
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В.Г. Кановей, В.А. Любецкий. О существовании регулярного неопределимого множества вещественных чисел. Труды конференции «Колмогоров и современная математика (100 лет Колмогорову)», Москва, 2003, стр. 690
L.V. Danilova, V.A. Lyubetsky, O.N. Laikova. Computer detecting of glycerol-3-phosphate metabolism regulation in proteobacterial genomes. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’03, Moscow, Russia, July 22–25 2003, P. 52–53
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Detecting common secondary structures in a set of RNA sequences and its testing. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’03, Moscow, Russia, July 22–25 2003, P. 83–85
E.V. Lyubetskaya, L.A. Leont'yev, V.A. Lyubetsky. Algorithm for detecting alternative secondary RNA structures and mass analysis attenuator regulation in proteobacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’03, Moscow, Russia, July 22–25 2003, P. 144–145
V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. V'yugin. Complex phylogenetic analysis of evolutionary history for prokaryotes families. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’03, Moscow, Russia, July 22–25 2003, P. 146–147
V.A. Lyubetsky. Basic notions of elementary mathematics. (university text book), Iris-press, 2004, 625 pages, in Russian
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the set of constructible reals. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2004, Vol. 247, P. 83–114
A.G. Vitreschak, E.V. Lyubetskaya, M.A. Shirshin, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Attenuation regulation of amino acid biosynthetic operons in proteobacteria: comparative genomics analysis. FEMS Microbiology Letters, May 15 2004, Vol. 234, Iss. 2, P. 357–370, DOI: 10.1016/j.femsle.2004.04.005, WOS: 000221516100023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-2342475660, PMID: 15135544, eLIBRARY: 13450571,
N.A. Kusnetsov, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Chernavsky. On the concept of informational interaction, 3: speech intellect. Information Processes, 2004, Vol. 4, No. 2, P. 117–126, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Multifraction graphs with two vertices per fraction. Information processes, 2004, Vol. 4, No. 2, P. 127–132, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Note on cliques and alignments. Information Processes, 2004, Vol. 4, No. 3, P. 241–246, eLIBRARY: 9124534, i,
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Properties of cysteine synthesis in Corynebacterium, Mycobacterium and Propionibacterium. Information Processes, 2004, Vol. 4, No. 3, P. 247–250, in Russian, eLIBRARY: 9124535
L.A. Leont'yev, M.A. Shirshin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Detection of classical attenuation in bacterial genomes. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2004), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 25–30 2004, Vol. 1, P. 116–118, WOS: 000242399100028, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Amino acid biosynthesis attenuation in bacteria. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2004), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 25–30 2004, Vol. 1, P. 307–310, WOS: 000242399100077, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A model of tryptophan biosynthesis regulation. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2004), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 25–30 2004, Vol. 2, P. 53–55, WOS: 000242400300011, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. V'yugin. Measuring the dissimilarity between gene and species trees, the quality of a COG. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2004), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 25–30 2004, Vol. 2, P. 281–284, WOS: 000242400300069, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A model of biosynthesis regulation. Proceedings of the VI International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 14–17 2004, P. 151–153, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. A geometric method of searching for clique in the graph and its application to signal detection. Proceedings of the VI International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 14–17 2004, P. 154–157, in Russian
E.V. Lyubetskaya, L.A. Leont'yev, M.A. Shirshin, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm to search for complex signals. Proceedings of the VI International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 14–17 2004, P. 158–162, in Russian
N.A. Kusnetsov, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Bioinformatics of bacteria: central issues and model types. Proceedings of the VI International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 14–17 2004, P. 5–11, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.V. V'yugin. Inferring evolutionary events, quality of COGs, measuring the dissimilarity between gene and species trees. Presentation abstracts of the EMBO World Phylogenetic Course 2004, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov 1–7 2004, устное сообщение
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Perfect subsets of invariant CA-sets. Mathematical Notes, Mar–Apr 2005, Vol. 77, No. 3-4, P. 307–310, DOI: 10.1007/s11006-005-0031-1, WOS: 000228965300002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-20244383975, eLIBRARY: 13497341,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Identification of ancestral genes that introduce incongruence between protein- and species trees. Molecular Biology, Sep–Oct 2005, Vol. 39, No. 5, P. 741–751, DOI: 10.1007/s11008-005-0089-6, Scopus: 2-s2.0-27744576123, eLIBRARY: 13498057,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Expression regulation of the amino acid biosynthesis and aminoacyl-tRNA synthase genes in actinobacteria. Molecular Biology, Nov–Dec 2005, Vol. 39, No. 6, P. 942–945, DOI: 10.1007/s11008-005-0116-7, Scopus: 2-s2.0-29544450424, eLIBRARY: 13478863,
L.A. Leontiev, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Algorithm for a large-scale search for T-box transcription regulation in bacteria. Molecular Biology, Nov–Dec 2005, Vol. 39, No. 6, P. 946–948, DOI: 10.1007/s11008-005-0117-6, Scopus: 2-s2.0-29544436266, eLIBRARY: 13495955,
A.V. Seliverstov, H. Putzer, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Comparative analysis of RNA regulatory elements of amino acid metabolism genes in actinobacteria. BMC Microbiology, Oct 3 2005, Vol. 5, Art. 54, 14 pp., DOI: 10.1186/1471-2180-5-54, WOS: 000232601100002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-26844492911, PMID: 16202131, eLIBRARY: 13481689,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Searching for conservative motifs in leader regions of genes on a fixed species tree. Information Processes, 2005, Vol. 5, No. 4, P. 265–270, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov, S.A. Pirogov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. An algorithm and search results for a model of gene expression regulation with RNA secondary structures in bacteria. Information Processes, 2005, Vol. 5, No. 5, P. 337–366, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.V. V'yugin, L.Yu. Rusin. Removing noise in protein multiple alignment. Information Processes, 2005, Vol. 5, No. 5, P. 380–391, in Russian
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Translation regulation in chloroplasts. Information Processes, 2005, Vol. 5, No. 5, P. 400–404, in Russian № [U] https://istina.msu.ru/publications/article/19793310/
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Pirogov. A model for bacterial gene expression regulation with secondary RNA structures. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’05, Moscow, Russia, July 18–21 2005, P. 214–216
V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. V'yugin. A model for evolutionary event reconstruction. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’05, Moscow, Russia, July 18–21 2005, P. 217–219
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Algorithms to reconstruct ancestral gene evolution events. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’05, Moscow, Russia, July 18–21 2005, P. 128–129
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. RNA regulatory structures in actinobacteria and cyanobacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’05, Moscow, Russia, July 18–21 2005, P. 351–353
L.Yu. Rusin, V.V. V'yugin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Enhancing phylogenetic inference: concentration of the signal in sequence data. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’05, July 18–21 2005, P. 342–346
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Pirogov. A model of attenuator regulation in bacteria. Proceedings of the VII International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 27 – July 1 2005, P. 205–209, in Russian
S.A. Pirogov, K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Macro- and microconditions in a model of attenuator regulation of gene expression in bacteria. Proceedings of the VII International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 27 – July 1 2005, P. 210–215, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Translation regulation in actinobacteria and cyano-bacteria based on mRNA secondary structures. Proceedings of the VII International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 27 – July 1 2005, P. 216–221, in Russian
L.A. Leont'yev, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Transcription regulation with T-boxes. Proceedings of the VII International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 27 – July 1 2005, P. 222–224, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky. Mathematic models of evolution and gene expression regulation. Proceedings of the VII International Conference “Complex Systems: Control and Modeling Problems”, Samara, Russia, June 27 – July 1 2005, Vol. 12, No. 1, P. 366–368, in Russian, eLIBRARY: 28283140
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A cofinal family of equivalence relations generated by Borel ideals. Abstracts of the A.S.L. European Summer Meeting “Logic Colloquium '05”, Athens, Greece, July 28 – August 3 2005, P. 83, i
L.A. Leont'yev, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm for mass searching of T-box structures in bacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’05, Moscow, Russia, July 18–21 2005, P. 202–206
L.Yu. Rusin, V.V. V'yugin, V.A. Lyubetsky. A method to optimize primary sequence data for enhanced tree resolution. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computational Biology ECCB 2005, Madrid, Spain, September 28 – October 01 2005
L.Yu. Rusin, V.V. V'yugin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Phylogenetic signal vs. informational noise: combat for resolution. Proceedings of the international conference “9th Evolutionary Biology Meeting”, Marseille, France, September 21–23 2005
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A cofinal family of equivalence relations and Borel ideals generating them. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, 2006, Vol. 252, No. 1, P. 85–103, DOI: 10.1134/S008154380601010X, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33746072961, eLIBRARY: 13527855,
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, S.A. Pirogov. Model of gene expression regulation in bacteria via formation of RNA secondary structures. Molecular Biology, May–Jun 2006, Vol. 40, No. 3, P. 440–453, DOI: 10.1134/S0026893306030113, WOS: 000238266900011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33747627658, eLIBRARY: 13510198,
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Translation regulation of intron-containing genes in chloroplasts. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2006, Vol. 4, No. 4, P. 783–792, DOI: 10.1142/S0219720006002235, Scopus: 2-s2.0-33750444578, PMID: 17007067, eLIBRARY: 13530669,
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov, L.Yu. Rusin, V.V. V'yugin. Algorithms to reconstruct evolutionary events at molecular level and infer species phylogeny. In: Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure II, Springer US, 2006, Part 1, P. 189–204, DOI: 10.1007/0-387-29455-4_20, WOS: 000234508700021,
L.A. Leont'yev, V.A. Lyubetsky. Mass detection of conserved T-box containing regulatory structures: search results. Information Processes, 2006, Vol. 6, No. 1, P. 20–23, in Russian
L.A. Leont'yev, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm of searching for proteins coherent with a given phylogenetic profile. Information Processes, 2006, Vol. 6, No. 1, P. 24–32, in Russian
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. An algorithm for detecting conserved motifs in nucleotide sequences. Information processes, 2006, Vol. 6, No. 1, P. 33–36, in Russian
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Computation of regulation efficiency of tryptophan biosynthesis in bacteria based on a model of classic attenuation. Information Processes, 2006, Vol. 6, No. 1, P. 55–57, in Russian
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Е.В. Любецкая, Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Алгоритм поиска мощных вторичных структур в нуклеотидной последовательности и его применение для подсчета числа таких структур в разных областях геномов. Информационные процессы, 2006, том 6, № 3, стр. 258–263, eLIBRARY: 9170378, i,
E.V. Lyubetskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Detecting hairpins in 3’-untranslated regions of highly expressed genes in actinobacteria. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 16–22 2006, Vol. 1, P. 99–101, WOS: 000243856400021, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Modeling classic attenuation regulation of gene expression in bacteria. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 16–22 2006, Vol. 1, P. 102–105, WOS: 000243856400022, i,
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Translation regulation in chloroplasts. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 16–22 2006, Vol. 1, P. 146–149, WOS: 000243856400033, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Inferring regulatiory signal profiles and evolutionary events. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 16–22 2006, Vol. 3, P. 151–154, WOS: 000243859500031, i,
L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Refinement of phylogenetic signal in multiple sequence alignment: results of simulation study. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 16–22 2006, Vol. 3, P. 222–224, WOS: 000243859500049, i,
A.G. Vitreschak, V.A. Lyubetsky, M.S. Gelfand. Evolutional and functional analysis of T-box regulon in bacteria: identification of new genes involved in amino acid metabolism. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2006), Novosibirsk, Russia, July 16–22 2006, Vol. 3, P. 236–240, WOS: 000243859500053, i,
A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Translation of some chloroplast genes is checked to allow for splicing and editing. Biophysics, 2006, Vol. 51, Suppl. 1, P. S18–S22, DOI: 10.1134/S0006350906070049, Scopus: 2-s2.0-44849110969, eLIBRARY: 13529379,
L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.V. V'yugin. Signal concentration in multiple sequence alignment: empirical and simulation studies. Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution Meeting SMBE'2006: Genomes, Evolution and Bioinformatics (GEB2006) conference, Tempe, Arizona, USA, May 24–28 2006, poster presentation, i
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Modern set theory: basics of descriptive dynamics. Nauka, 2007, 231 pages, Monograph, in Russian
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetskii. Problems of set-theoretic non-standard analysis. Russian Mathematical Surveys, Jan–Feb 2007, Vol. 62, Iss. 1, P. 45–111, DOI: 10.1070/RM2007v062n01ABEH004381, WOS: 000247727000002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34547325348, eLIBRARY: 13533917,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetskii, M. Reeken. Reducibility of monadic equivalence relations. Mathematical Notes, May–Jun 2007, Vol. 81, Iss. 5-6, P. 757–766, DOI: 10.1134/S0001434607050239, WOS: 000247942500023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34547245457, eLIBRARY: 13539883,
V.A. Lyubetskii, S.A. Pirogov. Nonstandard representations of locally compact groups. Mathematical Notes, Sep–Oct 2007, Vol. 82, Iss. 3-4, P. 341–346, DOI: 10.1134/S0001434607090064, WOS: 000250565600006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-36048987356, eLIBRARY: 13534159,
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Regulation of proline biosynthesis in proteobacteria. Molecular Biology, May–Jun 2007, Vol. 41, No. 3, P. 513–515, DOI: 10.1134/S002689330703017X, WOS: 000247814600017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34547272696, eLIBRARY: 13553008,
E.V. Lyubetskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. The number of long hairpins in intergenic trailer regions of actinobacteria is far greater than in other genomic regions. Molecular Biology, Aug 2007, Vol. 41, No. 4, P. 670–673, DOI: 10.1134/S002689330704022X, WOS: 000249263700022, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34548441255, eLIBRARY: 13562595,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Reconstruction of ancestral regulatory signals along a transcription factor tree. Molecular Biology, Oct 2007, Vol. 41, No. 5, P. 836–842, DOI: 10.1134/S0026893307050172, WOS: 000250240200016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-35349021081, eLIBRARY: 13544074,
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Pirogov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Modeling classic attenuation regulation of gene expression in bacteria. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Feb 2007, Vol. 5, Iss. 1, P. 155–180, DOI: 10.1142/S0219720007002576, Scopus: 2-s2.0-34248154743, PMID: 17477496, eLIBRARY: 13557055, i,
E. Asarin, Th. Cachat, A. Seliverstov, T. Touili, V. Lyubetsky. Attenuation regulation as a term rewriting system. In: Algebraic Biology, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4545, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, P. 81–94, Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Algebraic biology: AB'07, Castle of Hagenberg, Austria, July 2–4 2007, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73433-8_7, WOS: 000247968300007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-38149136575, eLIBRARY: 13534299,
L.I. Rubanov, V.A. Lyubetsky. RNAmodel web server: modeling classic attenuation in bacteria. In Silico Biology, 2007, Vol. 7, No. 3, P. 285–308, Scopus: 2-s2.0-38949164739, PMID: 18415978, eLIBRARY: 13540819, i, i,
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А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Структура РНК перед геном 2-изопропилмалат синтазы у некоторых протеобактерий. Информационные процессы, 2007, том 7, № 1, стр. 113–115, eLIBRARY: 9304479, i,
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Л.Ю. Русин, Л.И. Рубанов, В.А. Любецкий. Данные для построения эволюционного дерева высших Metazoa. Информационные процессы, 2007, том 7, № 3, стр. 199–213, eLIBRARY: 22134008, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, D. Radionov, O.N. Laikova, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Reconstruction of ancestral regulatory signal along a phylogeny. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’07, Moscow, Russia, July 27–31 2007, P. 111–113,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Long helices in mRNA processing. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’07, Moscow, Russia, July 27–31 2007, P. 189–191,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. RNA structures upstream leuA genes in α-proteobacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’07, Moscow, Russia, July 27–31 2007, P. 191–192,
L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Phylogenomics of Metazoa: constructing the gene set. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’07, Moscow, Russia, July 27–31 2007, P. 267–268,
A.G. Vitreschak, A.A. Mironov, V.A. Lyubetsky, M.S. Gelfand. Function and evolutionary analysis of the T-box regulon in bacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’07, Moscow, Russia, July 27–31 2007, P. 309–310,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Modeling evolution of the nucleotide sequence with secondary structure. Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics, CPMS’2007”, Moscow, Russia, November 16–19 2007, KMK Scientific Press, P. 68–75
A.G. Vitreschak, V.A. Lyubetsky, M.S. Gelfand. Analysis of evolution of T-box regulatory elements prediction of amino acid transporters and other amino acid related genes. Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics, CPMS’2007”, Moscow, Russia, November 16–19 2007, KMK Scientific Press, P. 30–37
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, K.Yu. Gorbunov. Models of gene expression regulation and evolution of regulatory elements. Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics, CPMS’2007”, Moscow, Russia, November 16–19 2007, KMK Scientific Press, P. 158–165
L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Algorithms to model gene evolution events and reconstruct multigene phylogenies of species. Proceedings of the international conference “Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics, CPMS’2007”, Moscow, Russia, November 16–19 2007, KMK Scientific Press, P. 274–277
A.V. Seliverstov, E.A. Lysenko, V.A. Lyubetsky. Rapid evolution of promoters in Magnoliophyta chloroplasts. Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Computational Phylogenetics and Molecular Systematics, CPMS’2007”, Moscow, Russia, November 16–19 2007, KMK Scientific Press, P. 286–292
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А.Г. Витрещак, А.А. Миронов, В.А. Любецкий, М.С. Гельфанд. Компьютерный анализ, функциональная аннотация и изучение эволюции Т-бокс регулона в бактериях Компьютерный анализ, функциональная аннотация и изучение эволюции Т-боксового реглона у бактерий. Труды 30-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’07), Звенигород, 18–21 сентября 2007, стр. 220–221, i,
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И. Глотова, Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Псевдоузлы и РНК-триплексы в модели классической аттенюаторной регуляции. Труды 30-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’07), Звенигород, 18–21 сентября 2007, стр. 222–227, i,
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А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Кластеризация и поиск промоторов у хлоропластов. Труды 30-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’07), Звенигород, 18–21 сентября 2007, стр. 321–323, i,
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В.А. Любецкий, Е.А. Жижина, К.Ю. Горбунов, А.В. Селиверстов. Модель эволюции нуклеотидной последовательности. Математические методы распознавания образов, 2007, том 13, № 1, стр. 605–609, eLIBRARY: 29129790,
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В.Г. Кановей, В.А. Любецкий. Борелевская сводимость как аддитивное свойство областей. Препринты ПОМИ РАН, 2007, № 1, стр. 305–314, eLIBRARY: 9574343,
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В.Г. Кановей, В.А. Любецкий. Борелевская сводимость сохраняется при счетном дизъюнктном объединении борелевских множеств. Препринт Петербургского отделения Математического института РАН, 2007, i
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Borel reducibility as an additive property of domains. Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI, 2008, Vol. 358, No. 11, P. 189–198, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 13622783, EDN: LMCULX, Mi: znsl2151
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А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. О квадратичных формах, равных единице на большом множестве вершин n-мерного куба. Информационные процессы, 2008, том 8, № 4, стр. 201–204.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17685296, EDN: OXAEUX, i,
A.G. Vitreschak, A.A. Mironov, V.A. Lyubetsky, M.S. Gelfand. Comparative genomic analysis of T-box regulatory systems in bacteria. RNA, Cambridge University Press, Apr 2008, Vol. 14, No. 4, P. 717–735.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1261/rna.819308, WOS: 000254256800012, Scopus: 2-s2.0-41649115061, PMID: 18359782, eLIBRARY: 13573346, EDN: LLARDR, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, E.A. Zhizhina, L.I. Rubanov. Gibbs field approach for evolutionary analysis of regulatory signal of gene expression. Problems of Information Transmission, Dec 2008, Vol. 44, No. 4, P. 333–351.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0032946008040066, WOS: 000262811900006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-59349118725, eLIBRARY: 13595723, EDN: LLNKEF,
I. Glotova, V.A. Lyubetsky. Classical attenuation regulation model. Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2008), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 22–28 2008, P. 85, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Inferring optimal scenario of gene evolution along a species tree. Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2008), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 22–28 2008, P. 90, i,
K.V. Lopatovskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. RNA structures upstream the 2-isopropylmalate synthase encoding gene in alfa-proteobacteria and actinobacteria. Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2008), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 22–28 2008, P. 144, i,
E.A. Lysenko, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Analysis of Sig3, Sig4 and Sig6 evolution on new genomic data. Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2008), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 22–28 2008, P. 147, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, E.A. Zhizhina, L.I. Rubanov. A model of regulatory signal evolution. Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2008), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 22–28 2008, P. 148, i,
L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Multiple alignment based on species tree. Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2008), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 22–28 2008, P. 212, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. On evolution of promoters in plastomes. Abstracts of The Sixth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure (BGRS'2008), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 22–28 2008, P. 217, i,
Sy-D. Friedman, V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On ROD reducibility of equivalence relations in Solovay model. Proceedings of the International Conference “Methods of Logic in Mathematics V”, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, June 1–7 2008, P. 6
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. A tree-based method of sequence alignment. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of RAS «Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: New Information Technologies», Nizhniy Novgorod, September 15–20 2008, P. 137–140,
V.A. Lyubetsky. Models of gene expression regulation and evolution of regulatory elements. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Applied Mathematics and Computing, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, August 12–18 2008, P. 17–19
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К.В. Лопатовская, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Об одном подходе к поиску регуляции в дискретных последовательностях. Труды 51-й научной конференции МФТИ «Современные проблемы фундаментальных и прикладных наук», Москва, 28–30 ноября 2008, М.: МФТИ, 2008, часть 1, стр. 141–143,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Алгоритмы для поиска многобоксовых сигналов и их применения. Труды 51-й научной конференции МФТИ «Современные проблемы фундаментальных и прикладных наук», Москва, 28–30 ноября 2008, М.: МФТИ, 2008, часть 1, стр. 147–149,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. О квадратичных формах ранга n-2, равных единице на большом множестве вершин n-мерного куба. Труды 51-й научной конференции МФТИ «Современные проблемы фундаментальных и прикладных наук», Москва, 28–30 ноября 2008, М.: МФТИ, 2008, часть 1, стр. 150–153,
L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, S. Kumar. Phylogenomic pipeline and construction of a multi-gene dataset for Metazoa. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution SMBE’2008, Barcelona Spain, June 5–8 2008
K.V. Mikhailov, A.V. Konstantinova, M.A. Nikitin, P.V. Troshin, L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, Yu.V. Panchin, A.P. Mylnikov, L.L. Moroz, S. Kumar, V.V. Aleoshin. The Gastrea theory in postgenomic age: cell differentiation preceded multicellularity in early metazoan evolution. Proceedings of the ICREA Conference on the Origin and Early Evolution of Metazoans, Barcelona Spain, October 24–25 2008
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Reasonable non--Radon--Nikodym ideals. Eprint, arXiv:0806.4760 [math.LO], Jun 29 2008, i,
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. On symmetric matrices with indeterminate leading diagonals. Problems of Information Transmission, Sep 2009, Vol. 45, No. 3, P. 258–263.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0032946009030065, WOS: 000271088300006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70350507971, eLIBRARY: 15312331, EDN: MXCBUB,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Reasonable non-Radon–Nikodym ideals. Topology and Its Applications, Feb 15 2009, Vol. 156, Iss. 5, P. 911–914.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.topol.2008.11.008, WOS: 000264470400008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-60249084018, eLIBRARY: 13598368, EDN: LLOXHN, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Borel reducibility as an additive property of domains. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2009, Vol. 158, No. 5, P. 708–712.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1007/s10958-009-9406-2, Scopus: 2-s2.0-67349232744, eLIBRARY: 13608054, EDN: LLUKOX,
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Mechanism of manganese transport regulation in Brucella involving a long RNA helix. Biophysics, 2009, Vol. 54, No. 2, P. 152–155.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0006350909020055, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70349882116, eLIBRARY: 15306713, EDN: MWYWRH,
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А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Совместная регуляция белков, гомологичных рубредоксину, у диатомовых водорослей и паразитов Piroplasmida. Информационные процессы, 2009, том 9, № 1, стр. 30–33.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17687992, EDN: OXBSRV, i,
A.V. Seliverstov, E.A. Lysenko, V.A. Lyubetsky. Rapid evolution of promoters for the plastome gene ndhF in flowering plants. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, Nov 2009, Vol. 56, No. 6, P. 838–845.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S1021443709060144, WOS: 000271541300014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70449368973, eLIBRARY: 15303636, EDN: MWXDDV,
K.V. Mikhailov, A.V. Konstantinova, M.A. Nikitin, P.V. Troshin, L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, Yu.V. Panchin, A.P. Mylnikov, L.L. Moroz, S. Kumar, V.V. Aleoshin. The origin of Metazoa: a transition from temporal to spatial cell differentiation. BioEssays, Jul 2009, Vol. 31, Iss. 7, P. 758–768.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1002/bies.200800214, WOS: 000267610500009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70349323101, PMID: 19472368, eLIBRARY: 15306649, EDN: MWYVSR, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, E.V. Lyubetskaya, E.A. Asarin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Modeling evolution of the bacterial regulatory signals involving secondary structure. Molecular Biology, 2009, Vol. 43, No. 3, P. 485–499.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0026893309030170, WOS: 000267296800017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-67650653463, eLIBRARY: 13601983, EDN: LLQYTX,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Reconstructing the evolution of genes along the species tree. Molecular Biology, Oct 2009, Vol. 43, No. 5, P. 881–893.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0026893309050197, WOS: 000270682000019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-70350350918, eLIBRARY: 15308878, EDN: MXACRZ,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Expression regulation of plastid proteins in parasites, algae and plants. Proceedings of the fifth Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, Russia, March 16–20, 2009, Moscow: JSC “Expo-biochem-technologies”, D.I. Mendeleyev University of Chemistry and Technology of Russia, 2009, Part 2, P. 388,
V.A. Lyubetsky, E.A. Zhizhina, L.I. Rubanov. Gibbs field for evolutionary analysis of regulatory signal of gene expression under constraints on secondary structure. The 18th IMACS World Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics & Applications in Science and Engineering, August 3–5 2009, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-7404, USA, P. 54
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. RNA polymerase competition at complementary DNA strands. Proceedings of the Genetics and Selection Meeting and V Congress of the Vavilov Genetics and Selection Society, Moscow, Russia, June 21–27 2009, Part II, P. 68
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Inferring gene evolution along a species tree. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’09, Moscow, Russia, July 20–23 2009, P. 120–121
K.V. Lopatovskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Chlorophyll synthesis regulation in plant chloroplasts. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’09, Moscow, Russia, July 20–23 2009, P. 217–218
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.V. Lopatovskaya. Comparative genomic analysis of the attenuation regulation of amino acid and amino acyl-tRNA biosynthesis operons in bacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’09, Moscow, Russia, July 20–23 2009, P. 219–220
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky, M. Reeken. Nonstandard class and superset theories. Logic and Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, The University of York, August 3–7 2009, P. 21
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К.В. Лопатовская, О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Транскрипция генов синтеза пролина у бактерий родов Marinobacter, Pseudomonas и Shewanella регулируется белком семейства tetR. Труды 32-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’09), пос. д/о Бекасово, 15–18 декабря 2009, стр. 278–281, i,
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, Л.И. Рубанов, В.А. Любецкий. Моделирование конкуренции РНК-полимераз: влияние нокаута сигма субъединицы и температуры на экспрессию генов. Труды 32-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’09), пос. д/о Бекасово, 15–18 декабря 2009, стр. 328–331, i,
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В.А. Любецкий, А.В. Селиверстов. Прямые повторы в некодирующих областях хлоропластов у семенных растений. Труды 52-й научной конференции МФТИ «Современные проблемы фундаментальных и прикладных наук», Москва, 27–30 ноября 2009, М.: МФТИ, 2009, часть I, том 1, стр. 116–117, i,
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А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Об эллипсоидах, внутри которых нет целых точек. Труды 52-й научной конференции МФТИ «Современные проблемы фундаментальных и прикладных наук», Москва, 27–30 ноября 2009, М.: МФТИ, 2009, часть I, том 1, стр. 128–130, i,
L.Yu. Rusin, V.V. Aleoshin, V.A. Lyubetsky. A phylogenomic pipeline to construct multi-gene datasets and infer multi-gene trees. Proceedings of the international conference “Celebrating Darwin: from the Origin of Species to Deep Metazoan Phylogeny, DMP’09”, Berlin, Germany, March 4–6 2009
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Modern set theory: Borel and projective sets. Published by Independent Moscow university, 2010, 320 pages, Monograph
K.V. Lopatovskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Attenuation regulation of the amino acid and aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis operons in bacteria: a comparative genomic analysis. Molecular Biology, Feb 2010, Vol. 44, No. 1, P. 128–139.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0026893310010164, WOS: 000275416200016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77949289472, eLIBRARY: 15313312, EDN: MXCQHJ,
K.V. Lopatovskaya, K.Yu. Gorbunov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. The evolution of proline synthesis transcriptional regulation in gammaproteobacteria. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2010, Vol. 65, No. 4, P. 211–212.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3103/S0096392510040255,
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Lack of conservation of bacterial type promoters in plastids of Streptophyta. Biology Direct, May 2010, Vol. 5, Art. 34.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/1745-6150-5-34, WOS: 000278359600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-77951958863, PMID: 20459727, eLIBRARY: 15330236, EDN: MXMGQP,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, O.N. Laikova, D.A. Rodionov, M.S. Gelfand, V.A. Lyubetsky. Evolution of regulatory motifs of bacterial transcription factors. In Silico Biology, 2010, Vol. 10, No. 3-4, P. 163–183.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3233/ISB-2010-0425, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80052006134, PMID: 22430290, eLIBRARY: 18087295, EDN: PFUXNX,
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К.Ю. Горбунов, В.А. Любецкий. Об одном алгоритме согласования деревьев генов и видов с учетом дупликаций, потерь и горизонтальных переносов генов. Информационные процессы, 2010, том 10, № 2, стр. 140–144.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17685313, EDN: OXAFBL, i,
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А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. О вещественных точках на многообразии четвёртой степени, ближайших к данной точке. Информационные процессы, 2010, том 10, № 3, стр. 245–246.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17685321, EDN: OXAFEN, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A fast algorithm of building species supertrees with a set of gene trees. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB'2010), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 20–27 2010, P. 92
V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Interaction between nucleome and plastome: heat shock response regulation in plastids of plants. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB'2010), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 20–27 2010, P. 161,
A.V. Seliverstov, L.I. Rubanov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Lack of conservation of bacterial type promoters in plastids of Streptophyta. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB'2010), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 20–27 2010, P. 170
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Fast and slow evolution of bacterial type promoters in plastids of Streptophyta. Molecular Phylogenetics, Contributions to the 2nd Moscow International Conference “Molecular Phylogenetics” (MolPhy-2), Moscow: Torus Press, 2010, P. 54
K.V. Lopatovskaya, K.Yu. Gorbunov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. The evolution of proline synthesis transcription regulation in gamma proteobacteria. Molecular Phylogenetics, Contributions to the 2nd Moscow International Conference “Molecular Phylogenetics” (MolPhy-2), Moscow: Torus Press, 2010, P. 132–133
K.V. Lopatovskaya, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. The evolution of NtcA- and NtcB-regulons in cyanobacteria and rhodophyte chloroplasts. Molecular Phylogenetics, Contributions to the 2nd Moscow International Conference “Molecular Phylogenetics” (MolPhy-2), Moscow: Torus Press, 2010, P. 134–135
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Позиционная связь генов пластомов растений и водорослей. Труды 33-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’10), г. Геленджик, 20–24 сентября 2010, стр. 326–330, i,
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К.В. Лопатовская, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Регулоны факторов NtcA и NtcB у цианобактерий и багрянок. Труды 33-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’10), г. Геленджик, 20–24 сентября 2010, стр. 339–342, i,
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М.И. Щелкунов, В.А. Любецкий. Электростатическое поле и длина межгенных областей связаны с диффузией белковых факторов. Труды 33-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’10), г. Геленджик, 20–24 сентября 2010, стр. 382–384, i,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. On an algorithm of protein clustering. Proceedings of the 53th conference of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology “Modern problems of fundamental and applied sciences”, Moscow, Russia, November 24–29 2010, Part I, Vol. 1, P. 118–119, in Russian
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А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. О функции Гильберта множества вершин куба. Труды 53-й научной конференции МФТИ «Современные проблемы фундаментальных и прикладных наук», Москва, 24–29 ноября 2010, М.: МФТИ, 2010, часть I, том 1, стр. 123–124,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Julius Koenig sets as higher infinity. Abstracts of the International Workshop “Infinite and Infinitesimal in Mathematics, Computing and Natural Sciences”, Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro, Italy, May 17–21 2010, University of Calabria, Italy, 2010, P. 27, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Modeling RNA polymerase competition: the effect of σ-subunit knockout and heat shock on gene transcription level. Biology Direct, Jan 21 2011, Vol. 6, Art. 3.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/1745-6150-6-3, WOS: 000287311800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-78651579146, PMID: 21255416, eLIBRARY: 16645698, EDN: OAGSDN,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. The tree nearest on average to a given set of trees. Problems of Information Transmission, Sep 2011, Vol. 47, No. 3, P. 274–288.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0032946011030069, WOS: 000299374700006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84855917719, eLIBRARY: 18033897, EDN: PEQNQF,
K.V. Lopatovskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. NtcA and NtcB regulons in cyanobacteria and rhodophyta chloroplasts. Molecular Biology, 2011, Vol. 45, No. 3, P. 522–526.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0026893311030083, WOS: 000291704600019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-79958794077, eLIBRARY: 17003872, EDN: NWCMKZ,
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. About forms equal to zero at each vertex of a cube. Information Processes, 2011, Vol. 11, No. 3, P. 330–335, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17676103, EDN: OWUYVD
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. An effective minimal encoding of uncountable sets. Siberian Mathematical Journal, Sep 2011, Vol. 52, No. 5, P. 854–863.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0037446611050107, WOS: 000298650500010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-80155151863, eLIBRARY: 18011619, EDN: PEDWBT,
K.V. Lopatovskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. NtcA- and NtcB-regulons in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. Proceedings of the VI Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art & Prospect of Development”, Moscow, Russia, March 21–25, 2011, Moscow: JSC “Expo-biochem-technologies”, D.I. Mendeleyev University of Chemistry and Technology of Russia, 2011, Part 2, P. 396,
K.V. Lopatovskaya, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Bacterial type RNA polymerase sigma subunits and their specific promoters in plastids. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’11, Moscow, Russia, July 21–24 2011, P. 209–210, i,
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К.В. Лопатовская, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Транскрипция в пластидах кокцидий. Труды 34-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’11), г. Геленджик, 2–7 октября 2011, стр. 20–24, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, L.I. Rubanov, L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky. An accurate algorithm of cubic complexity to build supertrees. Zitteliana. An International Journal of Palaeontology and Geobiology. Series B, Vol. 30, Abstracts of the international conference “Deep Metazoan Phylogeny 2011 – new data, new challenges", Munchen, Germany, October 11–14 2011, P. 20, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the infinitary pantachie of Du Bois Reymond. Proceedings of the International Mathematical Conference “50 Years Of IITP”, Moscow, Russia, July 25–29 2011, 7 pp., i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Mathematical problems in biological evolution and molecular regulation. Proceedings of the International Mathematical Conference “50 Years Of IITP”, Moscow, Russia, July 25–29 2011, 7 pp., i,
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В.А. Любецкий, Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов. Тканеспецифичная транскрипция в митохондриях хордовых в процессе онтогенеза. Юбилейная конференция «50лет ИППИ РАН. Нейрофизиология, биофизика и психофизика в ИППИ РАН: истоки и современность», Москва, Большой Каретный, 19, 15 сентября 2011, стр. 54–58
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Evolution of RNA-polymerases and their promoters in plastids. 50-years of IITP anniversary conference, Moscow, Russia, September 15 2011, P. 58–62, in Russian
O.A. Zverkov, K.Y. Gorbunov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Protein clustering with accounting for domen architecture. Proceedings of the 54th conference of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology “Basic and applied research in life sciences and engineering in modern information environment”, Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2011, Section of Management and applied mathematics, Vol. 2, P. 88–89, in Russian
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Е.В. Любецкая, К.Ю. Горбунов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Дифференциальные уравнения, описывающие клеточный процесс. Труды 54-й научной конференции МФТИ «Проблемы фундаментальных и прикладных естественных и технических наук в современном информационном обществе», Москва, 25–26 ноября 2011, М.: МФТИ, 2011, Управление и прикладная математика, том 2, стр. 91–92, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky. Computer modeling in problems of gene regulation and species evolution. RANS, 2012, Vol. 4, P. 108–115, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 23639780, EDN: TXIAXB
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В.А. Любецкий. Компьютерное моделирование в задачах регуляции работы генов и эволюции организмов. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2012, № 8, стр. 586–595.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 23020438, EDN: TJTRAP,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Effective compactness and sigma-compactness. Mathematical Notes, May 2012, Vol. 91, Iss. 6, P. 789–799.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0001434612050252, WOS: 000305984400025, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84864194710, eLIBRARY: 24952888, EDN: VABDOP,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. An infinity which depends on the axiom of choice. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Apr 15 2012, Vol. 218, Iss. 16, P. 8196–8202.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2011.05.003, WOS: 000302267700020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84859431986, eLIBRARY: 23962434, EDN: UEJPWT,
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. About forms equal to zero at each vertex of a cube. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, Aug 2012, Vol. 57, No. 8, P. 892–895.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S1064226912080049, WOS: 000308549500016, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84867239223, eLIBRARY: 20491108, EDN: RGKOXJ,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Fast algorithm to reconstruct a species supertree from a set of protein trees. Molecular Biology, Feb 2012, Vol. 46, No. 1, P. 161–167.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0026893312010086, WOS: 000302960100020, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84857212763, eLIBRARY: 17976882, EDN: PDKCFJ,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Plastid-encoded protein families specific for narrow taxonomic groups of algae and protozoa. Molecular Biology, 2012, Vol. 46, No. 5, P. 717–726.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0026893312050123, WOS: 000309711200013, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84867292580, eLIBRARY: 20491233, EDN: RGKQTL,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Geometric relationship between parallel hyperplanes, quadrics, and vertices of a hypercube. Problems of Information Transmission, Apr 2012, Vol. 48, Iss. 2, P. 185–192.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0032946012020081, WOS: 000306338300008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84865705227, eLIBRARY: 20473311, EDN: RGALQJ,
V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, S.A. Pirogov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Modeling RNA polymerase interaction in mitochondria of chordates. Biology Direct, Aug 9 2012, Vol. 7, Art. 26.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/1745-6150-7-26, WOS: 000308796200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84864643052, PMID: 22873568, eLIBRARY: 20492347, EDN: RGLHFX,
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, L.Yu. Rusin, K.Yu. Gorbunov. Cubic time algorithms of amalgamating gene trees and building evolutionary scenarios. Biology Direct, Dec 22 2012, Vol. 7, Art. 48.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/1745-6150-7-48, WOS: 000315728400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84871384285, PMID: 23259766, eLIBRARY: 20488413, EDN: RGJBAV,
K.V. Lopatovskaya, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Translation regolation of chlL gene in Viridiplantae. Information Processes, 2012, Vol. 12, Iss. 3, P. 172–175, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17931130, EDN: PCKBKL
O.A. Zverkov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Direct repeat insertions in microevolution of plastids and mitochondria of seed plants. Information Processes, 2012, Vol. 12, Iss. 3, P. 191–197, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 17931132, EDN: PCKBLF
O.A. Zverkov, S.A. Korolev, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Transcription regulation of plastid genes cysT and cysA in Viridiplantae. In: Molecular Phylogenetics, (Eds.: A. Troitsky, L. Rusin, V. Aleoshin), Moscow: Torus Press, 2012, P. 85.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 25261273, EDN: VGUPMF,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. Modeling RNA polymerase interaction in plastids of plants, algea and mitochondria of chordates: human bearing the MELAS mutation and rat with hyposecretion of thyroid hormone. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB'2012), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 25–29 2012, P. 189,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. The problems of reconciling gene and species trees, mapping a gene tree into a species tree, and gene tree inference. Abstracts of the First RECOMB Satellite Conference on Open Problems in Algorithmic Biology (RECOMB-AB), St. Petersburg, Russia, August 27–29 2012, P. 48,
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Семейства белков, кодируемых в пластомах Chlorophyta, Euglenozoa и Rhizaria. Труды 35-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’12), г. Петрозаводск, 19–25 августа 2012, стр. 298–302, i,
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А.С. Калинина, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Супердеревья пластид хлорофитной ветви водорослей и животных Ecdysozoa. Труды 35-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’12), г. Петрозаводск, 19–25 августа 2012, стр. 307–311, i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Modelling co-evolution of regulatory systems, genes and species with supercomputers. Proceedings of The 4th International Conference “Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics”, Pushchino, Moscow region, October 14–19 2012, P. 70–71,
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С.А. Королев, В.А. Любецкий. Распределение и роль длинных шпилек. Труды 55-й научной конференции МФТИ, Москва–Долгопрудный–Жуковский, 19–25 ноября 2012, М.: МФТИ, 2012, Управление и прикладная математика, том 1, стр. 94–95,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Modern set theory: absolute undecidability of classical problems. Moscow, MCNMO press, 2013, 380 p., monograph, in Russian
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On effective σ-boundedness and σ-compactness. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, May 2013, Vol. 59, Iss. 3, P. 147–166.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1002/malq.201200001, WOS: 000318790100005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84877641044, eLIBRARY: 20427977, EDN: RFARAF,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Transcription regulation of plastid genes involved in sulfate transport in Viridiplantae. BioMed Research International, 2013, Vol. 2013, Art. 413450.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2013/413450, WOS: 000324210600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884259506, PMID: 24073405, eLIBRARY: 20455937, EDN: RFQOQB, ISTINA: 87057517, i,
O.A. Zverkov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Study of direct repeats in micro evolution of plant mitochondria and plastids based on protein clustering. Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2013, Vol. 68, No. 2, P. 58–62.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3103/S0096392513020119, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84879161517, eLIBRARY: 20440011, EDN: RFHNAR, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Elaboration of the homologous plastid-encoded protein families that separate paralogs in magnoliophytes. Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics, 2013, Vol. 8, No. 1, P. 225–233, in Russian.
ⓘ Scopus: 2-s2.0-84884259236, eLIBRARY: 21104827, EDN: RTVTPD, Mi: mbb141, i
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Averaged entropy as conservativity measure of genome regions. Tambov University Reports. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences, 2013, Vol. 18, Iss. 5, Part 2, P. 2529–2531, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 20200836, EDN: RABKYH
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov, L.Yu. Rusin. Detecting conflicts in large sets of phylogenetic trees. Proceedings of the “BioSyst.EU 2013 Global systematics” conference, Vienna, Austria, February 18–22 2013, P. 131,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Protein families in plastomes of plants and green algae. Proceedings of the VII Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, Russia, March 19-22, 2013, Moscow: JSC “Expo-biochem-technologies”, D.I. Mendeleyev University of Chemistry and Technology of Russia, 2013, P. 243,
S.A. Korolev, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. A model of ancestral genome evolution and speciation. Information Processes, 2013, Vol. 13, No. 4, P. 336–337, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 21016906, EDN: RRXSZJ
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Построение разделяющих паралоги семейств гомологичных белков, кодируемых в пластидах цветковых растений. Труды 37-й конференции «Информационные технологии и системы» (ИТиС’13), Калининград, 1–6 сентября 2013, стр. 172–177,
N.V. Kobets, D.B. Goncharov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Comparative analysis of apicoplast-targeted proteins in Toxoplasma gondii and other Apicomplexa species. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’13, Moscow, Russia, July 25–28 2013, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Korolev, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Rho-dependent attenuation of sulfur metabolism in mycobacteria. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’13, Moscow, Russia, July 25–28 2013, i,
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В.А. Любецкий, К.Ю. Горбунов. Задачи и алгоритмы, связанные с хромосомными перестройками. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2013, № 9, стр. 764–768.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 23020602, EDN: TJTTLR,
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С.А. Королев, В.А. Любецкий. Модель формирования устойчивых геномов в среде генов. Труды 56-й научной конференции МФТИ, Москва–Долгопрудный–Жуковский, 25–30 ноября 2013, М.: МФТИ, 2013, Управление и прикладная математика, том 1, стр. 86–87,
A. Karlyshev, V. Melnikov, V. Khlebnikov, I. Kosarev, V. Sakulin, N. Kulikova, R. Vasilenko, V. Uversky, V. Lyubetsky, A. Netrusov, G. Sukhikh, V. Abramov. Genome sequence of Lactobacillus gasseri 2016: comparative genome analysis, unique genes, responsible for the probiotic properties. International Conference “High-Throughput Sequencing in Genomics”, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 21–25 2013, P. 58.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 32756349, EDN: YVDHGE,
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В.А. Любецкий. Модели и алгоритмы в биоинформатике. VIII Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование», Москва, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, 8 ноября 2013, пленарный доклад
V.A. Lyubetsky, W.H. Piel, D. Quandt. Current advances in molecular phylogenetics. BioMed Research International, Apr 7 2014, Vol. 2014, Art. 596746.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2014/596746, WOS: 000334844300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84900023503, PMID: 24809056, eLIBRARY: 21877383, EDN: SKTHYB, ISTINA: 87057497,
L.Yu. Rusin, E.V. Lyubetskaya, K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Reconciliation of gene and species trees. BioMed Research International, Mar 27 2014, Vol. 2014, Art. 642089, 22 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2014/642089, WOS: 000333909600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84899516778, PMID: 24800245, eLIBRARY: 21873983, EDN: SKRJQJ, ISTINA: 6043460. $ MESRF 8481 & 14.740.11.1053, RFBR 13-04-40196-H.
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Korolev, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov. Gene expression regulation of the PF00480 or PF14340 domain proteins suggests their involvement in sulfur metabolism. Computational Biology and Chemistry, Apr 2014, Vol. 49, P. 7–13.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2014.01.001, WOS: 000335289200002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84893856987, PMID: 24513779, eLIBRARY: 21864797, EDN: SKMDTH. $ MESRF 8481 & 14.740.11.1053, RFBR 13-04-40196-Н. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov. Chromosome structures reconstruction. In: Molecular Phylogenetics, (Eds.: A. Troitsky, L. Rusin, N. Petrov), Moscow: Torus Press, 2014, P. 42.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 25432819, EDN: VKOFDL,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A database of rhodophyte plastid protein families and regulation of moeB genes. Abstracts of the Ninth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB'2014), Novosibirsk, Russia, June 23–28 2014, P. 176. $ RFBR 13-04-40196-Н.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Linearization of partial quasi-orderings in the Solovay model revisited. Eprint, arXiv:1408.1202 [math.LO], Aug 6 2014, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A countable definable set of reals containing no definable elements. Eprint, arXiv:1408.3901v1 [math.LO], Aug 18 2014, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A definable E0-class containing no definable elements. Eprint, arXiv:1408.6642 [math.LO], Aug 28 2014, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Counterexamples to countable-section Π21 uniformization and Π31 separation. Eprint, arXiv:1410.2537 [math.LO], 9/16 Oct 2014, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On countable cofinality and decomposition of definable thin orderings. Eprint, arXiv:1412.0195 [math.LO], Nov 30 2014, i,
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Л.И. Рубанов, К.Ю. Горбунов, В.А. Любецкий. Программа для филогенетического исследования совместной эволюции генов и видов – EMBED3GL. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ, 2014, № 2014615607, 29.05.2014, Язык программирования: C/C++, интерфейс MPI, Объем: 329 Кб, Правообладатель: ИППИ РАН.
ⓘ ФИПС: 2014615607,
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Л.И. Рубанов, К.Ю. Горбунов, В.А. Любецкий. Программа построения филогенетического супердерева - SUPER3GL. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ, 2014, № 2014615610, 29.05.2014, Язык программирования: С++, интерфейс MPI, Объем: 296 Кб, Правообладатель: ИППИ РАН.
ⓘ ФИПС: 2014615610,
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Л.И. Рубанов, К.Ю. Горбунов, В.А. Любецкий. Программа построения базисных деревьев для плохо обусловленного набора исходных деревьев генов – BASIS3GL. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ, 2014, № 2014662596, 03.12.2014, Язык программирования: С++, Объем: 248 Кб, Правообладатель: ИППИ РАН.
ⓘ ФИПС: 2014662596,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, K.Yu. Gorbunov. Rearrangement of chromosomes: problems, algorithms, databases, and gene expression regulations. The Ninth International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB'2014), Novosibirsk, Russia, Jun 24 2014, oral presentation
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В.А. Любецкий. Эффективный параллельный алгоритм поиска плотных подграфов. IX Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование», Москва, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, 14 ноября 2014, пленарный доклад, i,
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В.А. Любецкий, К.Ю. Горбунов. Алгоритм расстановки по дереву предковых хромосомных структур: корректность и результаты. IX Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование», Москва, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, 15 ноября 2014, доклад, i,
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Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Метод выделения кластеров во взвешенном графе. IX Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование», Москва, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова, 15 ноября 2014, доклад
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К.Ю. Горбунов, В.А. Любецкий. Линейный алгоритм кратчайшей перестройки структур. Семинар по теории кодирования, Москва, Большой Каретный пер., дом 19, комн. 307, 16 декабря 2014, 19:00, доклад, MathNet
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Grossone approach to Hutton and Euler transforms. Applied Mathematics and Computation, Mar 15 2015, Vol. 255, P. 36–43.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2014.06.037, WOS: 000351676900005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85027935393, eLIBRARY: 41780849, EDN: GSGJUL, ISTINA: 19234599, IITP: 7045. $ RFBR 13-01-00006. i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Generalization of one construction by Solovay. Siberian Mathematical Journal, Nov 2015, Vol. 56, Iss. 6, P. 1072–1079.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0037446615060117, WOS: 000367464500011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84952911671, eLIBRARY: 26928676, EDN: WRHHFB, ISTINA: 19313820, IITP: 6795. $ RFBR 13-01-00006, RSF 14-50-00150.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On effective σ-boundedness and σ-compactness in Solovay’s model. Mathematical Notes, Jul 2015, Vol. 98, Iss. 1, P. 273–282.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0001434615070299, WOS: 000360070400029, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84940102194, eLIBRARY: 24942013, EDN: UZUYRX, ISTINA: 19313800, IITP: 6398. $ RFBR 13-01-00006, RSF 14-50-00150.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A definable E0 class containing no definable elements. Archive for Mathematical Logic, Aug 2015, Vol. 54, Iss. 5-6, P. 711–723.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1007/s00153-015-0436-9, WOS: 000358581600014, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84938997026, eLIBRARY: 24005243, EDN: UFHZDT, ISTINA: 19234589, IITP: 6796. $ RFFI 13-01-00006, RSF 14-50-00150.
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. On an algorithm for solving NP-complete problem, if there is no or odd number of solutions. International Journal of Open Information Technologies, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 11, P. 1–3, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 24388357, EDN: UNRYNH, IITP: 7462. $ РНФ 14-50-00150. i
A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A novel algorithm to solve the combinatorial set partitioning problem. Information processes, 2015, Vol. 15, No. 3, P. 337–342, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 24928367, EDN: UZNEVL, IITP: 7463. $ RSF 14-50-00150
K.Yu. Gorbunov, R.A. Gershgorin, V.A. Lyubetsky. Rearrangement and inference of chromosome structures. Molecular Biology, May 2015, Vol. 49, No. 3, P. 327–338.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0026893315030073, WOS: 000356371700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84935847255, eLIBRARY: 23988505, EDN: UEYLOB, ISTINA: 87049104, IITP: 7046. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
V.A. Lyubetsky, W.H. Piel, P.F. Stadler. Molecular phylogenetics 2014. BioMed Research International, 2015, Vol. 2015, Art. 919251.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2015/919251, WOS: 000356347500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84934936193, PMID: 26161422, eLIBRARY: 23984753, EDN: UEWIAZ, ISTINA: 87049135, IITP: 7465,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A database of plastid protein families from red algae and Apicomplexa and expression regulation of the moeB gene. BioMed Research International, 2015, Vol. 2015, Art. 510598.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2015/510598, WOS: 000356268600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84934923822, PMID: 26114108, eLIBRARY: 23984599, EDN: UEWFTT, ISTINA: 87047744, IITP: 7047. $ RFBR 13-04-40196-Н. i,
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С.А. Королев, А.В. Селиверстов, О.А. Зверков, В.А. Любецкий. Классическая аттенюаторная регуляция, зависимая от концентрации триптофана, у актинобактерий. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 565–568.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167546, EDN: WAQFWT, ИСТИНА: 87049143, ИППИ: 7160. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
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В.А. Любецкий, А.В. Селиверстов. О решении одной NP-полной задачи. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 569–570.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167547, EDN: WAQFXD, ИСТИНА: 87049183, ИППИ: 7161. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
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О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. О транскрипционных факторах, кодируемых в пластидах родофитной ветви. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 571–575.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167548, EDN: WAQFXN, ИСТИНА: 87049149, ИППИ: 7162. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
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Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, О.А. Зверков, В.А. Любецкий. Ультраконсервативные элементы у простейших из надтипа Alveolata. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 581–585.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167551, EDN: WAQFYR, ИСТИНА: 87049154, ИППИ: 7163. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
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Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Широкомасштабный поиск ультраконсервативных элементов в полных геномах. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 586–593.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167552, EDN: WAQFZB, ИСТИНА: 87049111, ИППИ: 7164. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
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К.Ю. Горбунов, В.А. Любецкий. Реконструкция предковых хромосомных структур. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 600–605.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167554, EDN: WAQFZV, ИСТИНА: 87049117, ИППИ: 7464. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
С.А. Королев, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. О трансляции рибосомного белка L16 в пластидах цветковых растений. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2015, том 2, № 11, стр. 606–607.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26167555, EDN: WAQGAF, ИСТИНА: 87049164, ИППИ: 7165. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, O.A. Zverkov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, A.G. Zaraisky. A method of detecting local gene synteny rearrangement. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’15, Moscow, Russia, July 16–19 2015, Moscow, IITP RAS, 2015, P. 249–252.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 23913986, EDN: UDIBEX, IITP: 8179. $ RFBR 13-04-40196-Н. i,
S.A. Korolev, S.A. Lyzhin, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A search for genes encoding histidine-containing leader peptides in actinobacteria. Proceedings of the 39th IITP RAS Interdisciplinary Conference & School “Information Technology and Systems 2015” (ITaS’15), Sochi, Russia, Sep 7–11 2015, Moscow: IITP, 2015, P. 53–60.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 24378300, EDN: UNMFTF, IITP: 8180. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
R.A. Gershgorin, K.Yu. Gorbunov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Evolution of chromosome structures. Proceedings of the 39th IITP RAS Interdisciplinary Conference & School “Information Technology and Systems 2015” (ITaS’15), Sochi, Russia, Sep 7–11 2015, Moscow: IITP, 2015, P. 105–120.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 24378278, EDN: UNMFKT, IITP: 8181. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Bairamov, I.V. Shandarin, A.S. Ivanova, L.Yu. Rusin, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, A.G. Zaraisky. A large-scale search for gene losses, gains and syntenic rearrangements in vertebrate animals. Materials of the VIII Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, Russia, March 17–20 2015, Part 1, P. 260–261.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 25631493, EDN: VOXGCN, IITP: 8182. $ RFBR 13-04-40196-Н.
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А.Г. Зарайский, А.А. Пантелеев, В.А. Любецкий. Новые подходы к изучению механизмов развития мозга и регенерации: роль генов, исчезнувших в процессе эволюции. Отчётная конференция РФФИ «Комплексные междисциплинарные фундаментальные исследования» (КОМФИ) в области молекулярной и клеточной организации биологических структур и процессов, 12–13 октября 2015, пленарный доклад
V.A. Lyubetsky, R.A. Gershgorin, A.V. Seliverstov, K.Yu. Gorbunov. Algorithms for reconstruction of chromosomal structures. BMC Bioinformatics, Jan 19 2016, Vol. 17, Art. 40, 23 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-0878-z, WOS: 000368414800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84954341725, PMID: 26780836, PMC4717669, eLIBRARY: 28465238, EDN: XYXNKL, ISTINA: 39291927, IITP: 7316. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A method for identification of highly conserved elements and evolutionary analysis of superphylum Alveolata. BMC Bioinformatics, Sep 20 2016, Vol. 17, Art. 385, 16 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/s12859-016-1257-5, WOS: 000383404500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84988489465, PMID: 27645252, PMC5028923, eLIBRARY: 27576567, EDN: XFLXJX, ISTINA: 39309733, IITP: 7416. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
S.A. Korolev, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Ribosome reinitiation at leader peptides increases translation of bacterial proteins. Biology Direct, Apr 16 2016, Vol. 11, Art. 20.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/s13062-016-0123-8, WOS: 000374523200001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84963540230, PMID: 27084079, PMC4833913, eLIBRARY: 27003448, EDN: WSXVHN, ISTINA: 39311573, IITP: 7238. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Regulation of expression and evolution of genes in plastids of rhodophytic branch. Life, Jan 29 2016, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, Art. 7, 13 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/life6010007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84957874701, PMID: 26840333, PMC4810238, eLIBRARY: 27032554, EDN: WTOJWD, ISTINA: 39312273, IITP: 7204. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, W.H. Piel, P.F. Stadler. Molecular phylogenetics 2016. BioMed Research International, 2016, Vol. 2016, Art. 9029306.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2016/9029306, WOS: 000392057400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85009380916, PMID: 28127550, PMC5227124, eLIBRARY: 29475657, EDN: YVAKLD, ISTINA: 87049070, IITP: 7460,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Counterexamples to countable-section Π21 uniformization and Π31 separation. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Mar 2016, Vol. 167, No. 3, P. 262–283.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2015.12.002, WOS: 000368208900005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84953218395, eLIBRARY: 26853147, EDN: WPQHXL, ISTINA: 38438390, IITP: 7032. $ RFFI 13-01-00006, RSF 14-50-00150.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On countable cofinality and decomposition of definable thin orderings. Fundamenta mathematicae, 2016, Vol. 235, P. 13–36.
ⓘ DOI: 10.4064/fm977-10-2015, WOS: 000387102600002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84983356306, eLIBRARY: 27136881, EDN: WVVTDX, ISTINA: 38438503, IITP: 7002. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov. A novel algorithm for solution of a combinatory set partitioning problem. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, Jun 2016, Vol. 61, No. 6, P. 705–708.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S1064226916060152, WOS: 000379343100017, Scopus: 2-s2.0-84977119890, eLIBRARY: 26841168, EDN: WPJMSD, ISTINA: 39135871, IITP: 7457. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
К.Ю. Горбунов, В.А. Любецкий. Линейный алгоритм кратчайшей перестройки графов при разных ценах операций. Информационные процессы, 2016, том 16, № 2, стр. 223–236.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 26181047, EDN: WAXXPL, ИСТИНА: 38444081, ИППИ: 7458. $ РНФ 14-50-00150. i,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
К.Ю. Горбунов, В.А. Любецкий. Модифицированный алгоритм преобразования хромосомных структур: условия абсолютной точности. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2016, том 12, № 1, стр. 162–172.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 27539231, EDN: XEQRBX, ИСТИНА: 39325274, ИППИ: 8167. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
С.А. Королев, К.Ю. Горбунов, О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Вырожденные инвертированные повторы в геномах микобактерий. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2016, том 12, № 1, стр. 182–187.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 27539233, EDN: XEQRCR, ИСТИНА: 39325396, ИППИ: 7369. $ РНФ 14-50-00150.
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
Л.И. Рубанов, О.А. Зверков, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Высоко консервативные элементы в митохондриях однодольных растений. Современные информационные технологии и ИТ-образование, 2016, том 12, № 2, стр. 211–215.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 28151042, EDN: XSATNV, ИСТИНА: 39325476, ИППИ: 7370,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A modified algorithm for transformation of chromosomal structures: a condition of absolute exactness. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Selected Papers of the First International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2016), Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2016, Vol. 1763, P. 162–172, in Russian.
ⓘ Scopus: 2-s2.0-85009415092, eLIBRARY: 29474284, EDN: YUZQDB, ISTINA: 87049057, IITP: 7459. $ РНФ 14-50-00150. i,
S.A. Korolev, K.Yu. Gorbunov, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Degenerate inverted repeats in the genomes of mycobacterium. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Selected Papers of the First International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2016), Moscow, Russia, November 25–26 2016, Vol. 1763, P. 182–187, in Russian.
ⓘ Scopus: 2-s2.0-85009399359, eLIBRARY: 29477080, EDN: YVBFML, ISTINA: 87047396, IITP: 7461. $ РНФ 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, S.A. Korolev, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov. Ribosome reinitiation at leader peptides increases translation of bacterial proteins. International Conference SocBiN Bioinformatics 2016, Abstracts of the 15th annual SocBiN conference, Moscow, Russia, June 14–16 2016, P. 26–28.
ⓘ IITP: 7238, i,
O.A. Zverkov, L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Problem of phylogenetic position of dicyemids. Abstracts of the International Symposium "Cognitive Sciences, Genomics and Bioinformatics" (CSGB-2016), Novosibirsk, Russia, August 29–31 2016, P. 68.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 39388956, EDN: ICLQTL, IITP: 8168,
M. Golshani, V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A Groszek-Laver pair of undistinguishable E0 classes. Eprint, arXiv:1601.03477 [math.LO], Jan 14 2016, 18 pp.
ⓘ IITP: 8169, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Countable OD sets of reals belong to the ground model. Eprint, arXiv:1609.01032 [math.LO], Sep 5 / Nov 20 2016, 16 pp.
ⓘ IITP: 7302, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A generic property of Solovay's set Σ. Eprint, arXiv:1611.00176 [math.LO], Nov 1 2016.
ⓘ IITP: 7367, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov, A.V. Seliverstov. Optimization on graphs: clustering and reconciliation. GraphHPC: Сonference on Parallel LargeSscale Graph Processing, Moscow, Russia, March 3 2016, oral presentation
V.A. Lyubetsky, R.A. Gershgorin, K.Yu. Gorbunov. Chromosome structures: reduction of certain problems with unequal gene content and gene paralogs to integer linear programming. BMC Bioinformatics, Dec 6 2017, Vol. 18, Art. 537, 18 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/s12859-017-1944-x, WOS: 000417558100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85043231032, PMID: 29212445, PMC5719933, eLIBRARY: 35519940, EDN: UYCOAT, ISTINA: 88753567, IITP: 7683. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
R.A. Gershgorin, K.Yu. Gorbunov, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Highly conserved elements and chromosome structure evolution in mitochondrial genomes in ciliates. Life, Feb 27 2017, Vol. 7, Iss. 1, Art. 9, 11 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/life7010009, WOS: 000398680000008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85016311163, PMID: 28264444, PMC5370409, eLIBRARY: 29483092, EDN: YVEQKT, ISTINA: 87046898, IITP: 7454. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, D.D. Korotkova, A.S. Ivanova, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, A.G. Zaraisky. Novel transmembrane protein c-Answer revealed by bioinformatic screening of genes present only in well regenerating animals. FEBS Journal, Sep 8 2017, Vol. 284, Iss. S1, P. 155.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1111/febs.14174, WOS: 000409918902164, ISTINA: 87047101, IITP: 7560. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i, ,
D.D. Korotkova, A.S. Ivanova, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.V. Seliverstov, N.Yu. Martynova, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, A.G. Zaraisky. Novel FGF-signaling modulator c-Answer revealed by bioinformatics screening for genes present only in well-regenerative animals. Mechanisms of Development, Jul 2017, Vol. 145, P. S49.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.mod.2017.04.089, WOS: 000402994800164, ISTINA: 88754398, IITP: 7555,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A generic property of the Solovay set Σ. Siberian Mathematical Journal, Nov 2017, Vol. 58, Iss. 6, P. 1012–1014.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0037446617060106, WOS: 000425153500010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85042169573, eLIBRARY: 35488594, EDN: XXHFJJ, ISTINA: 88755250, IITP: 7353. $ RFBR 13–01–00006, 17–01–00705, RSF 14–50–00150.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A countable definable set containing no definable elements. Mathematical Notes, Sep 2017, Vol. 102, Iss. 3–4, P. 338–349.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0001434617090048, WOS: 000413455100004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85032274221, eLIBRARY: 31091804, EDN: XOIYDN, ISTINA: 87048672, IITP: 7151. $ RFBR 13-01-00006, 17-01-00705, RSF 14-50-00150.
M. Golshani, V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A Groszek-Laver pair of undistinguishable E0-classes. Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Apr 2017, Vol. 63, Iss. 1–2, P. 19–31.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1002/malq.201500020, WOS: 000400361900002, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85017391646, eLIBRARY: 29498577, EDN: YVNLMN, ISTINA: 87048441, IITP: 7009. $ RFBR 13-01-00006, RSF 14-50-00150.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. The minimum-cost transformation of graphs. Doklady Mathematics, Sep 2017, Vol. 96, No. 2, P. 503–505.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S1064562417050313, WOS: 000415856500023, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85035050622, eLIBRARY: 31050739, EDN: XNNXKS, ISTINA: 87048830, IITP: 7567,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Linear algorithm for minimal rearrangement of structures. Problems of Information Transmission, Jan 2017, Vol. 53, Iss. 1, P. 55–72.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0032946017010057, WOS: 000399821500005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85018193412, eLIBRARY: 41772731, EDN: OHFFPV, ISTINA: 87048959, IITP: 7455. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A linear algorithm for the shortest transformation of graphs with different operation costs. Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics, Jun 2017, Vol. 62, No. 6, P. 653–662.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S1064226917060092, WOS: 000406306000018, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85024099889, eLIBRARY: 31057587, EDN: XNRKPE, ISTINA: 87048972, IITP: 7559. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Algorithm of transformation of a graph into another one with minimal cost. Informatics and Applications, Jan–Mar 2017, Vol. 11, Iss. 1, P. 79–89, in Russian.
ⓘ DOI: 10.14357/19922264170107, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85028801879, eLIBRARY: 29159457, EDN: YOCMXT, Mi: ia461, ISTINA: 87049001, IITP: 7456. $ RSF 14-50-00150
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Transformation of large chromosome structures: an algorithm of equalization of gene contents. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 2064, Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies 2017, P. 395–401, in Russian, Selected Papers of the II International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2017), Moscow, Russia, November 24–26.
ⓘ Scopus: 2-s2.0-85044532023, eLIBRARY: 35488743, EDN: XXHHDF, ISTINA: 110758795, IITP: 7669. $ РНФ 14-50-00150. i,
O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, L.Yu. Rusin, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Finding long highly conserved elements in complete animal genomes. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 2064, Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies 2017, P. 402–408, in Russian, Selected Papers of the II International Scientific Conference Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies (Convergent 2017), Moscow, Russia, November 24–26.
ⓘ Scopus: 2-s2.0-85044513196, eLIBRARY: 35530722, EDN: UYGVRP, ISTINA: 110759752, IITP: 7670. $ РНФ 14-50-00150. i,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
Д.Д. Короткова, А.С. Иванова, В.А. Любецкий, А.В. Селиверстов, А.М. Нестеренко, М.Б. Терёшина, А.Г. Зарайский. Роль нового трансмембранного белка холоднокровных c-Answer в регенерации и развитии мозга у шпорцевой лягушки. Перспективные направления физико-химической биологии и биотехнологии, Сборник тезисов, Москва, 7–10 февраля 2017, стр. 25–26.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 28808988, EDN: YGLCLZ, ИППИ: 8162,
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, K.Yu. Gorbunov, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov. Highly conserved elements in mitochondrial genomes of ciliates and monocots. Materials of the IX International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Moscow, Russia, February 20–22 2017, Part 1, P. 393.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 29220438, EDN: YPLEZZ, IITP: 8163,
V.A. Lyubetsky, R.A. Gershgorin, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. Evolution and systematics of plastids of rhodophytic branch. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’17, Moscow, Russia, July 27–30 2017, P. 48.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 32563226, EDN: YRIKBX, IITP: 8164. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
O.A. Zverkov, K.V. Mikhailov, L.Yu. Rusin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Phylogenomic evidence disentangles affinities of the Mesozoa. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Invertebrate Morphology (ICIM4), Moscow, Russia, August 18–23 2017, P. 55.
ⓘ IITP: 8165. $ RSF 14-50-00150. i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. The full basis theorem does not imply analytic wellordering. Eprint, arXiv:1702.03566v2 [math.LO], 12/20 Feb 2017, 62 pp.
ⓘ IITP: 7434, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Definable E0 classes at arbitrary projective levels. Eprint, arXiv:1705.02975 [math.LO], May 8 2017.
ⓘ IITP: 7515, i,
F.S. Herzberg, V.G. Kanovei, M.G. Katz, V.A. Lyubetsky. Minimal axiomatic frameworks for definable hyperreals with transfer. Eprint, arXiv:1707.00202 [math.LO], Jul 1 2017.
ⓘ IITP: 8170, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Definable minimal collapse functions at arbitrary projective levels. Eprint, arXiv:1707.07320 [math.LO], Jul 23 2017, 30 pp.
ⓘ IITP: 7541, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Non-uniformizable sets with countable cross-sections on a given level of the projective hierarchy. Eprint, arXiv:1712.00769v1 [math.LO], Dec 3 2017.
ⓘ IITP: 7603, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky. Mathematical and computer science problems in bioinformatics. GraphHPC: Сonference on Parallel LargeSscale Graph Processing, Moscow, Russia, March 2 2017, oral presentation
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Definable minimal collapse functions at arbitrary projective levels. Descriptive Set Theory in Turin, Turin, Italy, September 6–8 2017, oral presentation, i,
A.V. Seliverstov, L.I. Rubanov, G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Longevity in euarchontoglires: lost genes as a determinant. FEBS Open Bio, Jul 5 2018, Vol. 8, Suppl. 1, P. 456–457.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1002/2211-5463.12453, WOS: 000437674105151, ISTINA: 129706313, IITP: 7709. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. A linear algorithm for restructuring a graph. Automation and Remote Control, Dec 2018, Vol. 79, Iss. 12, P. 2203–2216.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0005117918120093, WOS: 000453228600009, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85058329733, eLIBRARY: 38640456, EDN: VDPHLO, ISTINA: 160477443, IITP: 7704. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
V.A. Lyubetsky, E.V. Lyubetskaya, K.Yu. Gorbunov. Linear algorithm for a cyclic graph transformation. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2018, Vol. 39, No. 9, P. 1217–1227.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S1995080218090147, WOS: 000455276100007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85059767400, eLIBRARY: 44242868, EDN: YUPXBT, ISTINA: 160477593, IITP: 7682. $ RSF 14-50-00150.
G.A. Shilovsky, T.S. Putyatina, V.V. Ashapkin, A.A. Rozina, V.A. Lyubetsky, E.P. Minina, I.B. Bychkovskaia, A.V. Markov, V.P. Skulachev. Ants as object of gerontological research. Biochemistry (Moscow), Dec 2018, Vol. 83, Iss. 12–13, P. 1489–1503.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0006297918120076, WOS: 000458203500007, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85061233350, PMID: 30878024, eLIBRARY: 38682353, EDN: XQCTNN, ISTINA: 160476991, IITP: 8131. $ RSF 14-50-00029.
G.A. Shilovsky, T.S. Putyatina, V.V. Ashapkin, E.P. Minina, V.A. Lyubetsky, B.F. Vanyushin. Anti-aging medicine: requirements for geroprotectors for aged persons. Clinical Gerontology, 2018, Vol. 24, No. 9–10, P. 82–84, in Russian.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 35418993, EDN: XWBNRR, IITP: 8132
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Definable E0 classes at arbitrary projective levels. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Sep 2018, Vol. 169, Iss. 9, P. 851–871.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2018.04.006, WOS: 000439538800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85046128737, eLIBRARY: 35495001, EDN: UXSPUK, ISTINA: 123276915, IITP: 7678. $ RFBR 17-01-00705, RSF 14-50-00150.
F.S. Herzberg, V.G. Kanovei, M.G. Katz, V.A. Lyubetsky. Minimal axiomatic frameworks for definable hyperreals with transfer. Journal of Symbolic Logic, Mar 2018, Vol. 83, Iss. 1, P. 385–391.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2017.48, WOS: 000431290300022, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85043588162, eLIBRARY: 35521380, EDN: LYYBRR, ISTINA: 88755476, IITP: 7292. $ RFBR 17-01-00705, RSF 14-50-00150.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Non-uniformizable sets of second projective level with countable cross-sections in the form of Vitali classes. Izvestiya: Mathematics, 2018, Vol. 82, No. 1, P. 61–90.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1070/IM8521, WOS: 000427245900004, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85043703476, eLIBRARY: 35523320, EDN: IKXZBT, ISTINA: 88755057, IITP: 7223. $ RFBR 17-01-00705, RSF 14-50-00150. i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Countable OD sets of reals belong to the ground model. Archive for Mathematical Logic, May 2018, Vol. 57, Iss. 3–4, P. 285–298.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1007/s00153-017-0569-0, WOS: 000428317500005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85021254314, eLIBRARY: 41771824, EDN: VSZUDZ, ISTINA: 87048552, IITP: 7347. $ RSF 14-50-00150, RFBR 17-01-00705.
A.V. Seliverstov, G.A. Shilovsky, L.I. Rubanov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Longevity in mammals: lost genes as a determinant. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB-2018), The Eleventh International Conference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 20–25 August 2018, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2018, P. 249.
ⓘ DOI: 10.18699/BGRSSB-2018-221, eLIBRARY: 38017206, EDN: KAXHPN, IITP: 7712,
V.V. Aleoshin, G.S. Slyusarev, K.V. Mikhailov, L.Yu. Rusin, O.V. Popova, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Orthonectida and Dicyemida: Two stories of body plan simplification. Molecular Phylogenetics, Contributions to the 5th Moscow International Conference “Molecular Phylogenetics and Biodiversity Biobanking”, Moscow, Russia, August 25–28, 2018, Eds.: A. Troitsky, L. Rusin, Moscow: Torus Press, 2018, P. 3–4.
ⓘ DOI: 10.30826/MolPhy2018-01, eLIBRARY: 36627878, EDN: YRFUAH, IITP: 7755,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
В.В. Алёшин, Г.С. Слюсарев, К.В. Михайлов, Л.Ю. Русин, О.В. Попова, Л.Л. Мороз, О.А. Зверков, В.А. Любецкий. Филогения Mesozoa. Зоология беспозвоночных – новый век, Материалы конференции, посвященной 160-летию Кафедры зоологии беспозвоночных Биологического факультета МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, Москва, 19–21 декабря 2018, стр. 15.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 36828957, EDN: YUTHQT, ИППИ: 8133,
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Д.Д. Короткова, А.С. Иванова, Н.Ю. Мартынова, В.А. Любецкий, А.В. Селиверстов, А.М. Нестеренко, М.Б. Терёшина, А.Г. Зарайский. Роль нового трансмембранного регулятора регенерации и развития мозга - c-Answer - в функционировании пуринэргического рецептора P2Y1 и рецептора факторов роста фибробластов FGFR4. Перспективные направления физико-химической биологии и биотехнологии, Сборник тезисов XXX зимней молодежной научной школы, Москва, 12–15 февраля 2018, Сост.: Стукачева Е.А., Шереметьева Э.В., М.: ИБХ РАН, 2018, стр. 72–73.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 32869223, EDN: YXJBZY, ИППИ: 8134,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
Д.Д. Короткова, А.С. Иванова, Н.Ю. Мартынова, В.А. Любецкий, А.В. Селиверстов, А.М. Нестеренко, М.Б. Терёшина, А.Г. Зарайский. Роль нового трансмембранного модулятора пуринергического рецептора P2Y1 и рецепторов факторов роста фибробластов – c-Answer в регенерации и развитии мозга у холоднокровных. Студенческий биохимический форум - 2018, Материалы I межвузовской студенческой конференции, Москва, 17 декабря 2018, М.: МГУ, 2018, стр. 13–14.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 37024423, EDN: YYEGWD, ИППИ: 8135,
D.D. Korotkova, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.S. Ivanova, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, N.Yu. Martynova, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, L. Peshkin, A.G. Zaraisky. Bioinformatic screening of genes present only in well regenerating vertebrates reveals novel FGF and purinergic signaling modulator - c-Answer. bioRxiv, Dec 13 2018.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1101/494609, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85095629894, IITP: 8136,
D.D. Korotkova, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.S. Ivanova, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, N.Yu. Martynova, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, L. Peshkin, A.G. Zaraisky. Bioinformatic screening of genes present only in well regenerating vertebrates reveals novel FGF and purinergic signaling modulator - c-Answer. SSRN, Aug 17 2018.
ⓘ DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3232160, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85115411110, i
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Non-uniformizable sets with countable cross-sections on a given level of the projective hierarchy. Eprint, arXiv:1712.00769v3 [math.LO], Jan 31 2018.
ⓘ IITP: 8137, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Canonization of smooth equivalence relations on infinite-dimensional perfect cubes. Eprint, arXiv:1804.05174 [math.LO], 14/23 Apr 2018.
ⓘ IITP: 7677, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A countable definable set of reals containing no definable elements. Eprint, arXiv:1408.3901v2 [math.LO], Sep 3 2018.
ⓘ IITP: 7740, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On Harrington's model in which Separation holds but Reduction fails at the 3rd projective level, and on some related models of Sami. Eprint, arXiv:1810.12542v2 [math.LO], Oct 30 / Nov 11 2018.
ⓘ IITP: 7780, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On intermediate extensions of generic extensions by a random real. Eprint, arXiv:1811.10568 [math.LO], Nov 26 2018.
ⓘ IITP: 7814, i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, K.Yu. Gorbunov. A linear algorithms of cyclic graph reconfiguration. GraphHPC: Сonference on Parallel LargeSscale Graph Processing, Moscow, Russia, March 1 2018, oral presentation
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
В.В. Алёшин, Г.С. Слюсарев, К.В. Михайлов, Л.Ю. Русин, О.В. Попова, Л.Л. Мороз, О.А. Зверков, В.А. Любецкий. Филогения Mesozoa. Научная конференция «Зоология беспозвоночных – новый век», Москва, МГУ, 21 декабря 2018, пленарный доклад, i,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
В.А. Любецкий. Элементарная математика с точки зрения высшей. Основные понятия. Учебное пособие для вузов, 3-е изд, М.: Юрайт, 2019, 538 стр.
ⓘ ISBN: 978-5-534-10421-9, eLIBRARY: 41246464, EDN: HPSIYE, eLIBRARY: 43016727, EDN: WOSVDI, ISBN: 978-5-534-12055-4, eLIBRARY: 41246476, EDN: YTHSVE, ИППИ: 8149
V.A. Lyubetsky, V.G. Kanovei. Set theory: absolute undecidability of classical problems. Textbook for universities, 2nd ed., Moscow, Urait, 2019, 348 p., in Russian, ISBN: 978-5-534-10390-8, eLIBRARY: 41246148, EDN: BLLFMY, eLIBRARY: 43016711, EDN: NZCYQT, IITP: 8150
D.D. Korotkova, V.A. Lyubetsky, A.S. Ivanova, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, N.Yu. Martynova, A.M. Nesterenko, M.B. Tereshina, L. Peshkin, A.G. Zaraisky. Bioinformatics screening of genes specific for well-regenerating vertebrates reveals c-answer, a regulator of brain development and regeneration. Cell Reports, Oct 22 2019, Vol. 29, Iss. 4, P. 1027–1040.e6.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.09.038, WOS: 000491881400019, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85073541839, PMID: 31644900, PMC6871517, eLIBRARY: 41683557, EDN: AYVACB, ISTINA: 245358868, IITP: 8007. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
L.I. Rubanov, A.G. Zaraisky, G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Screening for mouse genes lost in mammals with long lifespans. BioData Mining, Nov 9 2019, Vol. 12, Art. 20.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/s13040-019-0208-x, WOS: 000495611800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85074905309, PMID: 31728160, PMC6842137, eLIBRARY: 41702928, EDN: DGPULN, ISTINA: 250298357, IITP: 8012. $ RFBR 18-29-13037. ,
G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.V. Ashapkin, T.S. Putyatina, L.I. Rubanov, V.A. Lyubetsky. New C-terminal conserved regions of tafazzin, a catalyst of cardiolipin remodeling. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, Oct 24 2019, Vol. 2019, Art. 2901057, 13 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2019/2901057, WOS: 000501281500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85074777423, PMID: 31781330, PMC6855050, eLIBRARY: 41699870, EDN: MOFLMU, ISTINA: 233651864, IITP: 8008. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
O.A. Zverkov, K.V. Mikhailov, S.V. Isaev, L.Y. Rusin, O.V. Popova, M.D. Logacheva, A.A. Penin, L.L. Moroz, Y.V. Panchin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Dicyemida and Orthonectida: Two stories of body plan simplification. Frontiers in Genetics, May 24 2019, Vol. 10, Art. 443.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00443, WOS: 000468953800001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85067846320, PMID: 31178892, PMC6543705, eLIBRARY: 41677483, EDN: XBQXYX, ISTINA: 197815106, IITP: 7871. $ RSF 14-50-00150, RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Borel OD sets of reals are OD-Borel in some simple models. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Mar 2019, Vol. 147, Iss. 3, P. 1277–1282.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1090/proc/14286, WOS: 000455239400032, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85065094740, eLIBRARY: 38660200, EDN: NOKDAD, ISTINA: 180632648, IITP: 7672. $ RFBR 17-01-00705.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Definable minimal collapse functions at arbitrary projective levels. Journal of Symbolic Logic, Mar 14 2019, Vol. 84, Iss. 1, P. 266–289.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1017/jsl.2018.77, WOS: 000461193400011, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85062940536, eLIBRARY: 38701647, EDN: HBGPXZ, ISTINA: 187639120, IITP: 7558. $ RFBR 17-01-00705, 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Non-uniformizable sets with countable cross-sections on a given level of the projective hierarchy. Fundamenta mathematicae, 2019, Vol. 245, Iss. 2, P. 175–215.
ⓘ DOI: 10.4064/fm517-7-2018, WOS: 000459113000005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85065486934, eLIBRARY: 38699148, EDN: HCYGXI, ISTINA: 180630026, IITP: 7679. $ RFBR 17-01-00705, 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Definable elements of definable borel sets. Mathematical Notes, May 2019, Vol. 105, No. 5, P. 684–693.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0001434619050055, WOS: 000473246800005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85068117072, eLIBRARY: 41648591, EDN: SDWRPS, ISTINA: 192231151, IITP: 7673. $ RFBR 17-01-00705, 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Absoluteness of the Solovay set Σ. Siberian Mathematical Journal, Dec 2019, Vol. 60, No. 6, P. 1003–1006, Published: 18 February 2020.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0037446619060089, WOS: 000514796900008, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85079707739, eLIBRARY: 43265623, EDN: VBGBUM, ISTINA: 283161264, IITP: 7830. $ RFBR 17–01–00705, 18–29–13037.
G.A. Shilovsky, T.S. Putyatina, V.V. Ashapkin, O.V. Yamskova, V.A. Lyubetsky, E.V. Sorokina, S.I. Shram, A.V. Markov, M.Yu. Vyssokikh. Biological diversity and remodeling of cardiolipin in oxidative stress and age-related pathologies. Biochemistry (Moscow), Dec 18 2019, Vol. 84, Iss. 12, P. 1469–1483.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S000629791912006X, WOS: 000511160100006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85076613431, PMID: 31870251, eLIBRARY: 43221203, EDN: QOLZYE, ISTINA: 260558708, IITP: 8152. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
L.I. Rubanov, G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Mouse genes lost in rodent and primate species with long lifespan. The proceedings of International congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, February 25–27 2019, Iss. 17, P. 342.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 37590373, EDN: WULUVO, IITP: 8153. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Linear algorithm for reconstruction of chromosome structures. The proceedings of International congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, February 25–27 2019, Iss. 17, P. 350–351.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 37590378, EDN: GMKSEY, IITP: 8154. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Protein clustering and gene loss prediction. Computer Assisted Mathematics Conference (CAM-2019), Electrotechnical University "LETI" Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 22–24 2019, P. 7.
ⓘ IITP: 7934,
O.A. Zverkov, K.V. Mikhailov, S.V. Isaev, L.Y. Rusin, M.D. Logacheva, A.A. Penin, L.L. Moroz, Y.V. Panchin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Dicyemida and Orthonectida: Two stories of body plan simplification. Proceedings of the International Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology: MCCMB’19, Moscow, Russia, July 27–30 2019.
ⓘ IITP: 8155, i, ,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Models of set theory in which separation theorem fails. Eprint, arXiv:1905.11241 [math.LO], May 24 2019.
ⓘ IITP: 7881, i,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Indiscernible pairs of countable sets of reals at a given projective level. Eprint, arXiv:1912.12962 [math.LO], Dec 30 2019.
ⓘ IITP: 8042, i,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Программа LOSSGAINRSL для предсказания потерь и приобретений генов между несколькими наборами видов. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ, 2019, № 2019615070, 18.04.2019, Язык программирования: С++, Объем: 233 Кб, Правообладатель: ИППИ РАН.
ⓘ ФИПС: 2019615070, eLIBRARY: 39313987, EDN: NRSEAR,
L.I. Rubanov, O.A. Zverkov, G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Protein-coding genes in Euarchontoglires with pseudogene homologs in humans. Life, Sep 1 2020, Vol. 10, No. 9, Art. 192.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/life10090192, WOS: 000580342600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85090691850, PMID: 32927891, PMC7555810, eLIBRARY: 45339570, EDN: LUYXYL, ISTINA: 321982169, IITP: 8128. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.A. Lyubetsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov. Optimal growth temperature and intergenic distances in bacteria, archaea, and plastids of rhodophytic branch. BioMed Research International, Jan 18 2020, Vol. 2020, Art. 3465380.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1155/2020/3465380, WOS: 000509880900003, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85078659114, PMID: 32025518, PMC6991167, eLIBRARY: 43254561, EDN: WUIDMR, ISTINA: 264030057, IITP: 8094. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
O.A. Zverkov, K.V. Mikhailov, S.V. Isaev, L.Y. Rusin, O.V. Popova, M.D. Logacheva, A.A. Penin, L.L. Moroz, Y.V. Panchin, V.A. Lyubetsky, V.V. Aleoshin. Dicyemida and Orthonectida: two stories of body plan simplification. In: Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Systems Biology, Eds.: Y.L. Orlov, A. Baranova, Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA., 2020, P. 214–234.
ⓘ ISBN 978-2-88966-014-8, First published in: Frontiers in Genetics May 2019; 10:443. $ RSF 14-50-00150, RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Models of set theory in which nonconstructible reals first appear at a given projective level. Mathematics, Jun 3 2020, Vol. 8, No. 6, Art. 910.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math8060910, WOS: 000559999700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85087437414, eLIBRARY: 45499008, EDN: PZYIRA, ISTINA: 301937374, IITP: 8093. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the Δn1 problem of Harvey Friedman. Mathematics, Sep 1 2020, Vol. 8, No. 9, Art. 1477.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math8091477, WOS: 000579995000001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85091493755, eLIBRARY: 45269716, EDN: ILENFB, ISTINA: 320314481, IITP: 8114. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Linear time additively exact algorithm for transformation of chain-cycle graphs for arbitrary costs of deletions and insertions. Mathematics, Nov 10 2020, Vol. 8, No. 11, Art. 2001, 30 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math8112001, WOS: 000593278400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85096013784, eLIBRARY: 45188890, EDN: GQOUXC, ISTINA: 332916134, IITP: 8184. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the ‘definability of definable’ problem of Alfred Tarski. Mathematics, Dec 14 2020, Vol. 8, No. 12, Art. 2214.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math8122214, WOS: 000601929400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85097954876, eLIBRARY: 45068739, EDN: PTGIKZ, ISTINA: 341395074, IITP: 8197. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the equality relation modulo a countable set. Mathematical Notes, Oct 26 2020, Vol. 108, Iss. 3–4, P. 615–616.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S0001434620090357, WOS: 000584617700035, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85093816140, eLIBRARY: 45204573, EDN: ISTPHN, ISTINA: 329605712, IITP: 8103. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Canonization of smooth equivalence relations on infinite-dimensional E0-large products. Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, Jan 2020, Vol. 61, No. 1, P. 117–128.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1215/00294527-2019-0034, WOS: 000508660400006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85085642476, eLIBRARY: 43294087, EDN: NHKODM, ISTINA: 263181106, IITP: 7690. $ RFBR 17-01-00705, 18-29-13037.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. An almost exact linear algorithm for transformation of chain-cycle graphs with optimization of the sum of operation costs. Doklady Mathematics, Sep 2020, Vol. 102, No. 2, P. 376–379.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S1064562420050324, WOS: 000607872900006, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85099402453, eLIBRARY: 45006892, EDN: BSADMD, ISTINA: 349483922, IITP: 8166. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.A. Lyubetsky, G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, A.V. Seliverstov, L.I. Rubanov. New bioinformatics methods for identification of lost genes and protein isoforms. Homo sapiens liberatus, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference in celebration of the 85th birthday of professor V.P. Skulachev, Moscow, Russia, February 20–21 2020, Abstract Book, Moscow: Torus Press, 2020, P. 41–42.
ⓘ DOI: 10.30826/HomoSapiens-2020-30, eLIBRARY: 42660982, EDN: LTRLAG, IITP: 8140. $ RFBR 18-29-13037. i,
V.A. Lyubetsky, G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov. Evolution of proteins involved in response to ROS. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2020), The Twelfth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 6–10 July 2020, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2020, P. 652–653.
ⓘ DOI: 10.18699/BGRS/SB-2020-398, eLIBRARY: 44042513, EDN: KXGPZJ, IITP: 8139, i. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
L.I. Rubanov, G.A. Shilovsky, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Gene loss prediction based on genomic structure. The proceedings of International forum «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, October 28–30 2020, Iss. 18, P. 259–260.
ⓘ DOI: 10.37747/2312-640X-2020-18-258-260, eLIBRARY: 44374969, EDN: ZKTWOD, IITP: 8177. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Evolution of mitochondrial genomic structures in metazoans: algorithm and software. The proceedings of International forum «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, October 28–30 2020, Iss. 18, P. 261–262.
ⓘ DOI: 10.37747/2312-640X-2020-18-260-262, eLIBRARY: 44374970, EDN: OCTAYM, IITP: 8178. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. An almost exact linear complexity algorithm of the shortest transformation of chain-cycle graphs. Eprint, arXiv:2004.14351 [math.CO], Apr 29 2020.
ⓘ IITP: 8159, i,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Программа BLDGRAPH для уплотнения исходного множества рёбер и построения начального многодольного графа. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ, 2020, № 2020661964, 05.10.2020, Язык программирования: С++, Объем: 138 Кб, Правообладатель: ИППИ РАН.
ⓘ ФИПС: 2020661964,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Программа PAIRHITS для нахождения пар приближённо совпадающих слов в двух последовательностях ДНК из разных геномов. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ, 2020, № 2020661965, 05.10.2020, Язык программирования: С++, Объем: 113 Кб, Правообладатель: ИППИ РАН.
ⓘ ФИПС: 2020661965,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
Л.И. Рубанов, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Программа FINDENSE для построения финального графа и нахождения в нём m-плотных подграфов с наибольшим суммарным весом рёбер. Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ, 2020, № 2020662428, 13.10.2020, Язык программирования: С++, Объем: 173 Кб, Правообладатель: ИППИ РАН.
ⓘ ФИПС: 2020662428,
V.A. Lyubetsky. Evolution of proteins involved in response to ROS. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2020), The Twelfth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 9 2020, oral presentation.
ⓘ $ RFBR 18-29-13037. , Watch it 📺 on YouTube or 📺 on BGRS website.
V.A. Lyubetsky, V.G. Kanovei, (Eds.). Mathematical Logic and Its Applications 2020. Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Mathematics, MDPI, 2021, 196 pages.
ⓘ ISBN: 978-3-0365-0778-1, ISBN: 978-3-0365-0779-8, DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-0779-8, i,
A. Enayat, V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On effectively indiscernible projective sets and the Leibniz-Mycielski axiom. Mathematics, Jul 15 2021, Vol. 9, No. 14, Art. 1670.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math9141670, WOS: 000677333600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85111731499, eLIBRARY: 46992231, EDN: LFUCFF, ISTINA: 384114997, IITP: 8246. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Multiplicatively exact algorithms for transformation and reconstruction of directed path-cycle graphs with repeated edges. Mathematics, Oct 14 2021, Vol. 9, No. 20, Art. 2576.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math9202576, WOS: 000716057500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85117474779, eLIBRARY: 47515617, EDN: AMVFGJ, ISTINA: 402488632, IITP: 8274. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. The full basis theorem does not imply analytic wellordering. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Apr 2021, Vol. 172, Iss. 4, Art. 102929.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2020.102929, WOS: 000635679200005, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85097932864, eLIBRARY: 45103057, EDN: ENNKGS, ISTINA: 341636009, IITP: 7736. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Models of set theory in which the separation theorem fails. Izvestiya: Mathematics, Dec 1 2021, Vol. 85, No. 6, P. 1181–1219.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1070/IM8937, WOS: 000745285700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85097931594, eLIBRARY: 48127305, EDN: LQXJJQ, IITP: 7882. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Factoring Solovay-random extensions, with application to the reduction property. Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 2021, Vol. 194, P. 105–117.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1007/s00605-020-01482-9, WOS: 000589136100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85096010422, eLIBRARY: 45177516, EDN: ZRDLIJ, ISTINA: 419306552, IITP: 7815. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
G.A. Shilovsky, T.S. Putyatina, I.B. Pavlova, E.V. Sorokina, O.V. Yamskova, V.A. Lyubetsky. Mitochondrial-directed compounds ensuring protection of mitochondrial phospholipid cardiolipine in human age-dependent pathologies. Clinical Gerontology, 2021, Vol. 27, No. 3-4, P. 90–94, (in Russian).
ⓘ DOI: 10.26347/1607-2499202103-04090-094
G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Complex evolution of Fbxl21 gene in mammals. Proceedings of 10th Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology MCCMB'21, Moscow, Russia, July 30 — August 2 2021.
ⓘ IITP: 8318. $ RFBR 18-29-13037. i,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Reconstruction of evolution of genome structures with paralogs. The proceedings of International congress «Biotechnology: state of the art and perspectives», Moscow, Russia, October 26–29 2021, Iss. 19, P. 208–209.
ⓘ DOI: 10.37747/2312-640X-2021-19-207-209, eLIBRARY: 47185007, EDN: FOWJSP, IITP: 8728. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On Russell typicality in Set Theory. Eprint, arXiv:2111.07654 [math.LO], Nov 15 2021.
ⓘ DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2111.07654, IITP: 8300,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A product forcing model in which the Russell-nontypical sets satisfy ZFC strictly between HOD and the universe. Eprint, arXiv:2111.13491 [math.LO], Nov 26 2021.
ⓘ DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2111.13491, IITP: 8299,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A generic model in which the Russell-nontypical sets satisfy ZFC strictly between HOD and the universe. Mathematics, Feb 3 2022, Vol. 10, No. 3, Art. 491.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math10030491, WOS: 000757600500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85124972446, eLIBRARY: 48182173, EDN: XQNCDQ, ISTINA: 433615037, IITP: 8362,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A model in which the separation principle holds for a given effective projective Sigma-class. Axioms, Mar 10 2022, Vol. 11, No. 3, Art. 122.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/axioms11030122, WOS: 000775799100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85126659775, eLIBRARY: 48192874, EDN: BRVOXC, ISTINA: 441860467, IITP: 8368. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A model in which well-orderings of the reals appear at a given projective level. Axioms, Jul 22 2022, Vol. 11, No. 8, Art. 354.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/axioms11080354, WOS: 000846145500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85137356159, eLIBRARY: 56035606, EDN: EIICOI, ISTINA: 478694773, IITP: 8404. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the ‘definability of definable’ problem of Alfred Tarski, Part II. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Dec 2022, Vol. 375, No. 12, P. 8651–8686.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1090/tran/8710, WOS: 000868298900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85141652568, eLIBRARY: 57340031, EDN: YSQQRY, ISTINA: 500535461, IITP: 8369. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
G.A. Shilovsky, O.A. Zverkov, L.I. Rubanov, A.V. Seliverstov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Evolution of protein regulators of circadian rhythm in mammals. Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure/Systems Biology (BGRS/SB-2022), The Thirteenth International Multiconference Abstracts, Novosibirsk, Russia, 4–8 July 2022, Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2022, P. 173.
ⓘ DOI: 10.18699/SBB-2022-093, eLIBRARY: 49238208, EDN: VWUIDL, IITP: 8485, i,
A.V. Tchesunov, O.V. Nikolaeva, L.Yu. Rusin, N.P. Sanamyan, E.G. Panina, D.M. Miljutin, D.I. Gorelysheva, A.N. Pegova, M.R. Khromova, M.V. Mardashova, K.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Yushin, N.B. Petrov, V.A. Lyubetsky, M.A. Nikitin, V.V. Aleoshin. Demise of Marimermithida refines primary routes of transition to parasitism in roundworms. bioRxiv, 2022.02.15.480519, Feb 19 2022.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1101/2022.02.15.480519, IITP: 8722, ,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A model in which the Separation principle holds for a given effective projective Sigma-class. Eprint, arXiv:2204.03915 [math.LO], Apr 8 2022.
ⓘ DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2204.03915, IITP: 8723,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. The parameterfree Comprehension does not imply the full Comprehension in the 2nd order Peano arithmetic. Eprint, arXiv:2209.07599 [math.LO], Sep 15 2022.
ⓘ DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2209.07599, IITP: 8724,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the significance of parameters in the choice and collection schemata in the 2nd order Peano arithmetic. Preprints, Dec 26 2022, Art. 2022120255.
ⓘ DOI: 10.20944/preprints202212.0255.v2, IITP: 8725,
V.A. Lyubetsky, L.I. Rubanov, M.B. Tereshina, A.S. Ivanova, K.R. Araslanova, L.A. Uroshlev, G.I. Goremykina, J. Yang, V.G. Kanovei, O.A. Zverkov, A.D. Shitikov, D.D. Korotkova, A.G. Zaraisky. Wide-scale identification of novel/eliminated genes responsible for evolutionary transformations. Biology Direct, Aug 11 2023, Vol. 18, No. 1, Art. 45.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1186/s13062-023-00405-6, WOS: 001048615900001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85167749322, PMID: 37568147, PMC10416458, eLIBRARY: 62620845, EDN: WROZRY, ISTINA: 585804231, IITP: 8507. $ RSF 20-01-00670.
H. Cheng, Z. Guo, X. Zhang, X.-J. Wang, Z. Li, W.-W. Huo, H.-C. Zhong, X.-J. Li, X.-W. Wu, W.-H. Li, Z.-W. Chen, T.-C. Wu, X.-F. Gan, B.-L. Zhong, V.A. Lyubetsky, L.Yu. Rusin, J. Yang, Q. Zhao, Q.-D. Cao, J.-R. Yang. Lack of evolutionary convergence in multiple primary lung cancer suggests insufficient specificity of personalized therapy. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, May 2023, Vol. 50, Iss. 5, P. 330–340.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2022.11.005, WOS: 001010167300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85147108888, PMID: 36414223, eLIBRARY: 59023029, EDN: ZQPEYL, ISTINA: 520157640, IITP: 8557,
A.V. Tchesunov, O.V. Nikolaeva, L.Yu. Rusin, N.P. Sanamyan, E.G. Panina, D.M. Miljutin, D.I. Gorelysheva, A.N. Pegova, M.R. Khromova, M.V. Mardashova, K.V. Mikhailov, V.V. Yushin, N.B. Petrov, V.A. Lyubetsky, M.A. Nikitin, V.V. Aleoshin. Paraphyly of Marimermithida refines primary routes of transition to parasitism in roundworms. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Apr 2023, Vol. 197, Iss. 4, P. 909–923.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac070, WOS: 000857133400001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85165955012, eLIBRARY: 55895652, EDN: QMVQFQ, ISTINA: 485080663, IITP: 8558. $ RFBR 18-29-13037.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the significance of parameters in the choice and collection schemata in the 2nd order Peano arithmetic. Mathematics, Feb 1 2023, Vol. 11, No. 3, Art. 726.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math11030726, WOS: 000935705500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85147864401, eLIBRARY: 60461815, EDN: PCVDDE, ISTINA: 556631062, IITP: 8455. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Constructing an evolutionary tree and path–cycle graph evolution along it. Mathematics, Apr 24 2023, Vol. 11, No. 9, Art. 2024.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math11092024, WOS: 000986948600001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85159228695, eLIBRARY: 61349242, EDN: SEHCJP, ISTINA: 556631144, IITP: 8556. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A model in which well-orderings of the reals first appear at a given projective level, part II. Mathematics, May 30 2023, Vol. 11, No. 11, Art. 2517.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math11112517, WOS: 001005595300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85161611445, eLIBRARY: 62427925, EDN: EPNRWC, ISTINA: 564518648, IITP: 8478. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A model in which well-orderings of the reals first appear at a given projective level, part III—The case of second-order PA. Mathematics, Jul 26 2023, Vol. 11, No. 15, Art. 3294.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math11153294, WOS: 001046782300001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85167581950, eLIBRARY: 62719094, EDN: FBTFMB, ISTINA: 583197390, IITP: 8501. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On Russell typicality in set theory. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, May 2023, Vol. 151, No. 5, P. 2201–2210.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1090/proc/16232, WOS: 000992714500010, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85150068546, eLIBRARY: 60091213, EDN: BLXSVX, ISTINA: 556631107, IITP: 8374. $ RFBR 20-01-00670.
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
О.А. Зверков, Г.А. Шиловский, А.В. Селиверстов, В.А. Любецкий. Связь видовой продолжительности жизни с эволюцией гена Fbxl21. Proceedings of 11th Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology MCCMB'23, Москва, 3–6 августа 2023, М.: ИППИ РАН, 2023.
ⓘ eLIBRARY: 59299211, EDN: DKHTDA, ИППИ: 8530, ISBN: 978-5-901158-33-3, i,
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
Л.И. Рубанов, В.А. Любецкий. Программа поиска предковых синтений по современным синтениям в листьях дерева (SyntenyOverTree). Свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ, 2023, № 2023613729, 20.02.2023, Язык программирования: С++, Объем: 47 Кб, Правообладатель: ООО «ЭВОГЕНОМАНАЛИТИКА».
ⓘ ФИПС: 2023613729, eLIBRARY: 50277148, EDN: LQHVKE,
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. Algorithms for the reconstruction of genomic structures with proofs of their low polynomial complexity and high exactness. Mathematics, Mar 11 2024, Vol. 12, No. 6, Art. 817.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math12060817, WOS: 001192425500001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85188968210, eLIBRARY: 66322712, EDN: VMFWVE, ISTINA: 637786193, IITP: 8695. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
V.A. Lyubetsky, G.A. Shilovsky, J.-R. Yang, A.V. Seliverstov, O.A. Zverkov. The change rate of the Fbxl21 gene and the amino acid composition of its protein correlate with the species-specific lifespan in placental mammals. Biology, Oct 2 2024, Vol. 13, No. 10, Art. 792.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/biology13100792, WOS: 001342603100001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85207685388, eLIBRARY: 74576383, EDN: OZJEJO, PMID: 39452101, PMC11505486, ISTINA: 695697541, IITP: 8707. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Jensen Δ1n reals by means of ZFC and second-order Peano arithmetic. Axioms, Jan 30 2024, Vol. 13, No. 2, Art. 96.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/axioms13020096, WOS: 001174744200001, eLIBRARY: 66380335, EDN: SSXCSD, ISTINA: 626173446, IITP: 8694. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. A good lightface Δ1n well-ordering of the reals does not imply the existence of boldface Δ1n-1 well-orderings. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Jun 2024, Vol. 175, Iss. 6, Art. 103426.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1016/j.apal.2024.103426, WOS: 001216585700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85187026902, eLIBRARY: 66945084, EDN: QDQSDH, ISTINA: 637784049, IITP: 8693. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
K.Yu. Gorbunov, V.A. Lyubetsky. An exact quadratic algorithm for the shortest tree transformation. Doklady Mathematics, Oct 29 2024, Vol. 110, Iss. 2, P. 373–378.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1134/S1064562424702259, eLIBRARY: 74844586, EDN: LJFLDA, ISTINA: 721118054, IITP: 8730. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
А.В. Байрамов, Г.В. Ермакова, В.А. Любецкий, А.Г. Зарайский. Поиск генетических основ появления и развития парных конечностей у челюстноротых путем исследования современных представителей эволюционно древних групп. Сборник тезисов Всероссийской научной конференции с международным участием, посвященной юбилею академика Б.Л. Астаурова «Генетика и индивидуальное развитие», Москва, ИБР РАН, 29–31 октября 2024, М.: «Перо», 2024, стр. 27.
ⓘ ИППИ: 8739, ISBN 978-5-00244-964-4, i. $ РНФ 24-44-00099.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the significance of parameters and the projective level in the Choice and Collection axioms. Eprint, arXiv:2407.20098 [math.LO], Jul 29 / Aug 2 2024, 124 pp.
ⓘ DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2407.20098, IITP: 8700,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the uniform projection and covering problems in descriptive set theory under the axiom of constructibility. Preprints, Oct 17 2024, Art. 2024101379.
ⓘ DOI: 10.20944/preprints202410.1379.v1, IITP: 8713,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the uniform projection and covering problems in descriptive set theory under the axiom of constructibility. Mathematics, Jan 26 2025, Vol. 13, No. 3, Art. 409.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/math13030409, ISTINA: 733160557, IITP: 8749. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the uniform projection problem in descriptive set theory. Axioms, 2025, Vol. 14, No. 1, Art. 13, Published: 29 December 2024.
ⓘ DOI: 10.3390/axioms14010013, ISTINA: 730817491, IITP: 8748. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. Parameterfree comprehension does not imply full comprehension in second order Peano arithmetic. Studia Logica, Feb 2025, Vol. 113, P. 109–124, Published: 24 April 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11225-024-10108-2.
ⓘ DOI: 10.1007/s11225-024-10108-2, WOS: 001207645700001, Scopus: 2-s2.0-85191261230, eLIBRARY: 66936048, EDN: CRGYPW, ISTINA: 721118154, IITP: 8692. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
No English citation is currently avaliable for this publication.
В.Г. Кановей, В.А. Любецкий. Независимость схемы свертки в арифметике второго порядка от счетного выбора без параметров. Математические заметки, 2025, том 117, вып. 2, стр. 257–269.
ⓘ DOI: 10.4213/mzm14255, Mi: mzm14255, ИППИ: 8736. $ RSF 24-44-00099.
X. Zhang, Z. Li, J. Chen, W. Yang, X. He, P. Wu, F. Chen, Z. Zhou, X. Wen, V.A. Lyubetsky, L.Yu. Rusin, X. Chen, J.-R. Yang. High density cell lineage tracing reveals stereotyped subclone development, a potential canalization mechanism. Advanced Science, 2025, under review,
V.G. Kanovei, V.A. Lyubetsky. On the significance of parameters and the projective level in the Choice and Collection axioms. Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 2025, under review, IITP: 8750
Last update: 2025-02-14
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